Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rarely Discussed Early Warning Signs Of Breast Cancer

Because of the regular use of mammography screening, many of the breast cancers in the U.S. are found at an early stage, just before warning signs appear. But, not all breast cancers are found through mammography.

Warning signs of breast cancer are actually not the same for all women.

Most oft he common signs are:

  • Difference in the look or feel of the breast
  • Difference in the look or feel of the nipple
  • Nipple discharge

In case  you have some of the warning signs described below, meet a health care provider. In case you do not have a provider, the best ways to find a good one is to get a referral from a trusted family member or friend. In case that is not an option, consult your health department, some clinic or a nearby hospital. If you are insured, the insurance company can as well have a list of providers in your area.

In most oft he cases, these  kind of changes are not cancer. One of the examples is breast pain. It is actually more common with benign breast conditions than that with breast cancer, but there is the only way to know for sure is to get it checked. If this kind of change does turn out to be breast cancer, the best way is to find it at an early stage, just when the chances of survival are highest.

Breast lumps or lumpiness

Many females might find their breasts feel lumpy. The tissue of the breast naturally has a bumpy texture. Some of us women have some more lumpiness in their breasts than the  others. In most oft he cases, this is not a  cause to be worried. In case  the lumpiness is able to be felt throughout the breast and feels like your other breast, then it is actually most likely a normal breast tissue.

Some oft he lumps that feel harder or are different from the rest of the breast (or the other breast) or that are feeling like a change should be checked. This kind  of lump might be a sign of breast cancer , or some benign breast condition (such as a cyst or fibroadenoma).

Meet a health care provider in case you:

  • Find some new lump (or any other change) that feels different from the rest of your breast
  • Find a new lump (or any other change) that is feeling different from your other breast
  • Feel something that is quite different from what you felt before

If you have already had a benign lump in the past, do not immediately assume a new lump will also be a  benign one. The new lump can not be breast cancer, but it’s best to make sure if that is so.

Nipple discharge

Leaking some liquid from your nipple (nipple discharge) might be troubling, but it is not so often a sign of breast cancer. The discharge from the lump might be your body’s natural reaction when the nipple is squeezed. Signs of some more serious condition (as for example as breast cancer) include discharge that:

  • Happens without squeezing the nipple
  • Happens in only 1 breast
  • Is kind of bloody or clear (not milky)

Discharge  from the nipple may also be caused by an infection or other condition that needs treatment. If you are having any nipple discharge, consult a health care provider.

Powerful Rice Water Recipes For Healthy Natural Hair Growth In Just 1 Week

Here are 2 Powerful Rice Water Recipes For Healthy Natural Hair Growth In Just 1 Week that you can make at home today to start growing your hair naturally. If you have been looking for ways to make your hair healthy and grow it naturally, you have come to the right place.

Note: Some people are allergic to rice water so please get a skin patch test before using this remedy just to be safe.

Powerful Rice Water Recipes For Healthy Natural Hair Growth In Just 1 Week

Rice is a high source of starch and protien both of which helps make your hair strong and stops it from breaking. It also helps promote hair growth when used regularly. Coconut oil on the other hand when mixed with rice will help your hair stronger, remove dandruff, promote new hair growth and strengthen your hair follicles.

Simple Rice Water

  • 1/2 Cup of White Rice
  • 1 Cup of Water

Preparation & Application

Soak your rice with the water and let it sit overnight. Strain the mixture in the morning into a clean bowl and let it sit for a few hours. Once you start to smell the rice ( sour scent) put it in the fridge for 8 extra hours. This simply means that you have successfully fermented the rice which is very important if you want this remedy to work.

Before using this remedy, you will need to mix it with an extra cup of water so that it is not too strong on the hair. Apply the water to your hair completely, cover it with a shower cap and leave it in for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water and a mild shampoo.

Repeat this remedy 3-4 times weekly for a strong, healthy and naturally growing hair.

Rice Water With Coconut & Essential Oil
Ingredients :

  • 1/2 Cup of Rice
  • 2 Tablespoons of Coconut Oil
  • 3-4 Drops of Rosemary Essential Oil
  • 1 Cup of Water

Preparation & Application:

Use the steps above to prepare your fermented rice water, mix in the other ingredients listed above and return the mixture to the fridge so that it ferments further. Apply the mixture to your hair and massage your scalp for 15 to 20 minutes.

Leave the mixture in your hair for an extra 40 minutes and make sure that you cover it with a shower cap. Wash off the remedy and also use a mild chemical-free shampoo. Repeat this remedy 3 times per week for best results.

There you go! You now know about the 2 Powerful Rice Water Recipes For Healthy Natural Hair Growth In Just 1 Week that you can start making right away! If you like this post or found it helpful in any way, please share it with your friends and also take a moment to follow us on Pinterest and Facebook for more helpful Skin Care Tips & Remedies.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

This Exercise Is More Efficient Than 1000 Abs: Spend 60 Seconds a Day Doing This Exercise And In Just One Month Your Abdomen Is Going To Become Flat

Having a flat stomach and defined abs is very attractive and a dream of every person. However, this is achieved with hard and regular exercises and proper diet. Many people usually do sit-ups, which can be quite challenging and irritating. Luckily, there is another exercise which is far more effective than the sit-ups. The following exercise will help you lose the excess fat and tone the abdomen.

The Most Powerful Exercise for Abdomen
This exercise is known as a plank. It is a static exercise, which distributes the weight on the toes and the hands only. The body is kept in a straight line throughout the whole exercise. If you perform this powerful exercise for 10 minutes 3 times a week, you will get the desired results. Moreover, it will relieve you from back pain and improve the posture.

Instructions for a Starting Position
The most important thing when it comes to this exercise is to get into the right position. This can be done by following these steps:

  • Stretch your arms as much as possible and press the palms to the floor.
  • Moreover, stretch the neck and keep the balance.
  • This exercise involves the abs and the leg muscles. Hence, you should also feel tension in the leg muscles.
  • Set your body in a straight line from head to toe.
  • You should inhale and exhale evenly throughout the whole exercise.

Instructions for a Proper Plank

  1. Start by pressing the knees and the hands on the floor. Make sure your wrists are in line with the shoulders and your head is 30 inches apart from the floor.
  2. Next, outstretch the legs backward and bend the toes.
  3. Tighten the stomach muscles for 20-60 seconds. Start with 20 seconds and over time, increase to 60 seconds.
  4. Finish the exercise by sitting on the heels and bending the knees.

Benefits of Doing Plank

By doing this exercise regularly, it won’t only strengthen and tone the abdomen, but it will also:

  • improve core definition and performance
  • decrease the risk of injury in the back and spinal column
  • improve your posture
  • boost the mood
  • speed up the metabolism
  • improve the balance
  • enhance the mental health

This Natural Recipe Will Make Your Facial Hair Disappear Forever

Unwanted and excessive facial hair is a struggle for many women all over the world. This hair which grows on the face is dark and coarse. Thus, it can cause embarrassment and lack of self-esteem. This common issue occurs due to various reasons. The culprit is considered to be some male hormones, such as testosterone. Hence, when women start producing more androgens, more male characteristics appear, such as hair growth and deep voice. Moreover, other reasons for excessive facial hair are medicines for high blood pressure, Cushing’s syndrome or acromegaly, and being overweight.

Nowadays, there are several treatments and products which can help you solve this issue. First and foremost, you should make sure that you lose some weight and you balance the hormones. Some of the most common ways to eliminate excessive hair loss are shaving, waxing, bleaching, hair removal creams, electrolysis, and laser hair removal.

Having into consideration that these methods provide a temporary solution, we decided to present you a powerful natural recipe which eliminates the unwanted facial hair successfully.

Natural Recipe for Facial Hair


  • 2 tbsp. of honey
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal paste
  • 2 tbsp. of lemon juice


You should first prepare the oatmeal paste by combining ½ teaspoon of oatmeal, 6-8 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of honey. Blend all the ingredients well your oatmeal paste is ready. Next, mix the oatmeal paste with the lemon juice and the honey. Then, apply the mixture on the area you want to eliminate the hair. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes. Then, wash your face with warm water. Finally, apply a face cream. You should repeat this procedure 2-3 times a week. The hair will be gone in just a month.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Just By Using 2 Ingredients Your Pores Will Disappear Forever And Your Face Will Be Cleaner Than Ever!

Many people are having cosmetics issue with big pores. This skin problem is particularly manifested at people with oily skin and oily T-zone. Over time, the pores    collect grime and dust and the facial skin has luster deficiency and starts looking uneven.

There are various cosmetics products which are specially created for pore tightening, but are not much efficient and usually contain chemicals.

In today’s article we are going to present you several natural remedies which can do wonders for your skin.

You will need few simple ingredients which are incredibly efficient.

Lemon juice and egg white

In a bowl mix 2 egg whites and few drops of lemon juice. Mix until you get thick paste and then apply it on your face. Let it act for 15 – 20 minutes. After that, wash your face. This mask is incredibly efficient and will remove all dead skin, extra oil and it will tighten your pores, as well.

Lemon juice and tomato

Take 2 tomatoes and make a puree. Then, add several drops of lemon juice and stir until you get a thick paste. Apply the resulted paste on your face, particularly on the affected areas. Let it act until it dries, for around 15 – 20 minutes and then wash it off. Due to the acid in the lemon and tomato, oil from your face will be completely removed.

Cucumber, rosewater and lemon

This incredibly powerful combination is perfect for removing the pores from the skin. First step is to peel the cucumber and leave the fleshy part. Then, take 1 teaspoon rose water and 3 – 4 drops of lemon juice. Next step is to spread the mixture on a flimsy and light cloth, and apply it on your face. Let it act about 15 minutes until it dries completely. After that, rinse your face. With the help of this combination, your face will be supple and soft and in same time the pores will be reduced.

Lemon juice and pineapple

Mix 2 tablespoons of pineapple juice and few drops of lemon juice. Then, take light cloth and drench it into the mixture and place it on your face. Let it act about 10 minutes and wash your face. The pineapple contains enzymes, which make it great remedy for shrinking the big pores. The lemon juice acts as astringent due to its acidity.

Lemon juice and almond

Take 5 almonds and soak them overnight. The next day in the morning, grind the almonds and prepare a paste. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and blend everything well. Apply the resulted paste and let it act about 20 – 25 minutes. After that, wash your face and the pores will be significantly reduced.

I Have 4 Children and Even So, My Friends Say I Have Porcelain Skin and I Only Use This Recipe

Yes, I have crystal clear, healthy porcelain skin and this is my trick! Blended and oily skin are more likely to have black areas than dry skins. This is due to the fact that the grease and dirt accumulate on the pore and blocks it. Pollution, dust, along with using makeup occasionally, can be factors that trigger their appearance. Depending upon the kind of skin you have to prevent one way or another.

My Buddies State I Have Porcelain Skin – I Just Use This Recipe!
In this case, the sodium bicarbonate mask should be used for that dermis that we discussed at the beginning. If you need to know the best ways to make them easily and quickly, continue reading.

Why Utilize It:
— Principalmente it is utilized to clean the skin. This mask empty and removes the accumulated dirt in the pores, the same that contaminate them and causes acne.

— It is a clear service for those pimples and blackheads making them vanish and facilitating their extraction.

— You can likewise utilize it in case the skin hurts when you tone it, through this means you will remove the discomfort and it will help you to have a more hydrated look given that it will be simpler to take in the creams and oils.

— After finding out ways to make this wonderful mask to eliminate facial blemishes and blackheads, I make certain you will enjoy it.

— The sodium bicarbonate is understood for its infinite properties, amongst them, like anti-bacterial and antibacterial, today I want to reveal you exactly what it can do for our skin.

The best of all is that this mask is entirely natural and you can do it from the comfort of your home without needing to spend excessive quantities of money on a publication mask.

You can use this mask if you have actually blended or oily skin. I do it when a month because I have an oily complexion, it is rather strong and it leaves my skin tidy enough time. This mask is so great that it is the only one that handles to eliminate black areas.

Those blackheads are build-ups of fat. Black areas make the skin tone look filthy. These happen when the pores are covered by fat or by dead cells, what does is to expand the duct and dilate our pores.

Mask Components:

  • 1/3 Sodium Bicarbonate.
  • 1/2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Honey (a little).
  • 1 glass of Water.
  • 1/2 Lemon.


  1. Fill the glass with water midway and water down the apple cider vinegar.
  2. Then add the baking soda in a bowl beside the water with vinegar.
  3. Now, add the juice of the half lemon and mix.
  4. Finally, include the honey and mix until all the ingredients are integrated.

* Initially, you should clean the face effectively, to remove all pollutants from the skin.

* Dry the confront with a fabric with soft touches.

* Apply the mask, you can aid with a brush and let it act for 10 minutes.


This Is The Proper Way To Prepare Baking Soda To Melt Belly, Thigh, Arm, and Back Fat!

We Utilize SODIUM BICARBONATE (baking soda) or otherwise Referred to as sodium bicarbonate our everyday life all the time. Nonetheless, there are many usages of sodium bicarbonate which a number of you did unknown. Therefore, in this post, we will define a few of the uses about which already you may not have known it.

Among the usages for which we make sure you have actually not become aware of it, it is the usage for flattening the hardest abdomen place. Up to now, you need to have made use of numerous approaches to set up out this issue, but for definitely you have actually not tried baking soda. Especially, baking soda is, in fact, a reputable approach for reducing weight as it consists of alkalinizing substances and it is food digestion. Not to discuss the fact, that baking soda consists of various health advantages for the overall well-being.

Melt Belly, Thigh, Arm, and Back Fat with Baking Soda
You must have asked yourself, the best methods to utilize sodium bicarbonate to lose all the undesirable pounds around our stomach. There are approaches for its use which we will present in this article hence supplying you with the figure you have in fact constantly desired.

THE FIRST METHOD – A mixture of Baking Soda with Lemon Juice and Grapefruit
Active ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 1 lemon or grapefruit.
  • 1/2 cup of water.


Initially liquify the sodium bicarbonate in the glass of water and consist of the lemon or the grapefruit juice. Then, you have to mix it well till all the parts are well dissolved. For perfect results, drink this drink on an empty stomach 20 minutes prior to having your breakfast meal.

THE SECOND APPROACH – Mix of Sodium bicarbonate with Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

  • 2 tablespoon. of apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 glass of water.
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.


Again dissolve the baking soda in a glass of water, and after that mix it well with the ACV. Consume it on an empty stomach, and right after, you will find how quickly your pounds will be melted.

THE THIRD METHOD – Mix of Sodium bicarbonate with Fruits

  • 1 cup of strawberries.
  • 2 lemons.
  • good deals of fresh mint leaves.
  • 2 cups of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.


Simply mix all the parts together. Do not put sugar in the mix. Consume it two times each day and you can consist of ice in it if you pick cold beverages. Enjoy it and slim down!