Friday, November 29, 2019

Only 2 Cups A Day For 1 Week And Your Stomach Will Be 100% Flat

This is for all lazy persons who wish to get flat stomach but very lazy to do workout for the same. This drink will help your body in burning calorie faster

Ingredients required:

  • 1 cup grapefruit juice [If you do not have grapefruit, you can take orange or pineapple juice]
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp Honey

Mix all of them in a glass and your drink is ready

How to consume:

Take this beverage before lunch or supper, for 7 days or up until you see improvements in the midsection, and after that duplicate the treatment for another 7 days.

One serving of grapefruit has just 53 calories and about 2 grams of fiber. A research study has actually likewise found that consuming half a grapefruit before every meal can lead to greater weight loss in dieters.

Apple cider vinegar promotes digestion, it likewise decreases the quantity of time that fats stay in the gastrointestinal system. It is essential that your body gets a possibility to eliminate crucial nutrients from your food, and conditions that contribute to diarrhea can be life-threatening. But at the exact same time, it can be unhealthy to have food remain in the intestines for too long. If fats present longer than necessary throughout food digestion, more fats will be taken in.

7-Day Cucumber Diet Help You Lose 15 Pounds

Cucumbers is a essential food to any healthy diet. Not only are cucumbers nutritional, but they’re too great for making you feel full, since they’re an vegetable, and are thus full of dietary fibers. Consuming cucumbers weekly are too great for cleaning your gastrointestinal tract, and they can stimulate your metabolism.

7-Day Cucumber Diet Meal Plan:

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. To have a great breakfast according to the cucumber diet, you need to combine one plate of cucumber salad, together with 2 to 3 hardboiled eggs.If you still feel hunger you can have an apple or some slices of a peach.

For snacking while on the cucumber diet, you can have 5 plums, 1 big apple or 1 peach ( 200 grams).

For making an tasty lunch, you need to combine 1 piece of toasted wheat bread with a bowl of cucumber salad. The cucumber salad are essentially an single large piece of cucumber, cut up into small slices. You can add olive oil to the salad.

How to Make a tasty lunch
If you prefer to taste something very different, and effective the same, here are the ingredients:

  • Cucumber
  • Drinks: Coffee and Tea with no sugar
  • 300 grams of fresh fruits
  • 2 Potatoes

  1. First you need to bake or boil the potatoes, you can choose, and then you need to get a few slices of a whole wheat bread and consume the potatoes sliced on smaller pieces.
  2. After the lunch you can have any fresh fruit you want, or simply get a fruit salad. Feel free to drink tea or coffee that have no sugar in it.

One more recipe you should give a try:

  • Cucumber
  • 2 eggs or 15 grams of white meat
  • 150 grams of tuna
  • 2 potatoes
  • 3 whole wheat bread slices

  1. What would you select bread or potatoes, well it does not really matter, and you need to consume them apart with some cucumber slices and tuna.
  2. You can grill the meat without any oil, and if you don’t like the taste of the tuna then you should definitely give it a try but without the tuna.

You can choose your favorite fruit and have 300 grams (half a pound) of fruit for dinner, every day while on the cucumber diet. The fruit can be of any type, you can or put it in your fruit salad.

How to Make a Cucumber Shake
Grab a cucumber shake between every meal, and there is no amount that’s limited that you need to consume this much or that much. Also the drink is a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, iron, calcium, fiber and magnesium.

You Will Need

  • 1 cucumber
  • Ginger
  • 1 apple
  • 20 grams of walnuts and almonds
  • A handful of spinach

What You Have To Do

  1. Get the blender and put the spinach, cucumber and apple inside it, then blend well.
  2. You should put them inside with their peel.
  3. Continue with the blending and add the ginger as well.
  4. Once the mixture is homogeneous you can stop the blender.
  5. Use the almonds and walnuts to decorate your glass.
  6. The shake should be consumed right away. The healing properties might be lost if the drink was left to rest.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

It Looks Like A Pimple On His Head, But What They Pulled Out Shocked Them

Dermatologist Dr. Sandra Lee — best known as Dr. Pimple Popper — has netted more than three million YouTube subscribers with her videos of pimple pops. One of her latest uploads, first shared on Monday, features a pilar cyst lodged in a woman’s scalp.

With Lee’s surgical expertise and some numbing medication, the removal is swift and satisfying. Near the 1:48 mark, the cyst unleashes a stream of gunk; at 2:30, Lee teases out the whole thing as a single, smooth bulb.

During the procedure, Lee also strikes up an interesting conversation with the patient, who describes a previous attempt to pop one of her cysts at home. The woman says that she squeezed the cyst and then noticed “something pointy” sticking out of it a few days later — the growth hadn’t been totally emptied.

The anecdote is a great reminder that DIY cyst popping is usually futile — and potentially dangerous.

Pilar cysts are benign growths commonly found on the scalp, according to DermNet NZ, the educational website of the New Zealand Dermatological Society. These cysts are sacs in skin that fill up with keratin — the protein that makes up hair and nails, and the cheesy, pungent stuff that comes out when a cyst gets squeezed.

8 Things Women Should Do After Sex For Good Hygiene

Even if you really don’t feel like getting out of bed, practicing these good habits after sex could save you from very unsexy consequences.

Practicing good post-coital (after sex) hygiene in the long run, will help you to ward off infections and germs that may create bigger health issues.

It might be tempting to skip that part and fall straight to sleep, but that window right after intercourse is when you want to take action in order to ensure that no undesirable bacteria can fester, especially where you can’t reach.

There are many things you can do to clean up, but here are the most important in the list of things you should do.

Outside molecules, including bacteria, can enter the urethra, your urinary tube, very easily during sex, putting you at risk of contracting a urinary tract infection.

The best way to flush out those harmful intruders is by peeing, even if you don’t feel a compelling urge to do so.

If you really have nothing to pee, drink a glass of water and enjoy a short, but romantic cuddle session, then use the bathroom.

If you still need more time, there are other things you can tend to first in your cleanup routine.

A full shower will take care of most aspects of your post-coital cleanup checklist.

Avoid using overly hot or overly cold water, as your private parts will still be tender from your intimate activities.

Use mild soap. There is no need for anything extra perfumed, or even feminine washes, which can actually damage the pH in your vaginal tube.

There are a lot of products that you’ll find in pharmacies that are marketed as helping you to “keep fresh”.

These are things like wipes and sprays that are made with harsh chemicals like detergents, perfumes or lotions, which are actually unsuitable for your skin and can cause a rash or other skin problems. Also avoid scented pads and tampons.

If you don’t take a full shower, do a gentle rinse with warm water instead, or use a clean wet towel to wipe every part of your body that might be exposed to bacteria.

Also, swish with mouthwash to eradicate germs and bacteria in your mouth.

Enjoy the foreplay, but don’t forget the cleanup after. Certain sexually transmitted infections, like chlamydia and gonorrhea (yuck!), can occur in the mouth as well.

Mouthwash in particular, is most effective in killing bacteria for this purpose.

With brushing, you might just end up transferring the germs onto your toothbrush, and obviously, you do not want that.

Gargle for about 15-20 seconds, spit, then rinse away those icky germs with water.

While it is perfectly normal to use toys and lubrication to help with intercourse, these too must be washed.

All you need is some soap and warm water to eliminate most of the germs. If you want to be extra diligent, some silicone toys can be boiled to kill off the germs.

For anything that is powered with a battery or has some sort of mechanism, read the manufacturer’s instructions before immersing in water or subjecting it to germ-killing temperatures.

This is one thing on my list that you should not do in your cleanup routine.

The practice of douching is a misguided and old-fashioned method that is now discouraged, as it has been found that douching can lead to more infections, rather than eliminate them.

The vagina has its own self-cleansing mechanism, which includes good bacteria that help to keep the pH levels healthy and balanced.

Rarely does the vagina require any additional help in keeping clean. Do your part in keeping the outside area of your private region clean, but the vagina will take care of itself.

In the course of being intimate with your partner, you can hardly be expected to be mindful of what’s happening to your clothes.

Body fluids that stain your underwear and clothes will develop bacteria, so those clothes are probably not something you would want to wear again – toss them right into the laundry basket and pick some fresh new garments to wear.

It is a good idea to toss the bedsheets into the wash as well.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Moles are a common cosmetic issue that affects the majority of the population. In fact, there’s hardly a person that hasn’t got at least one mole on their body. Moles come in different sizes and positions on the body.

Surprisingly, there are folk theories that link moles to a person’s wealth, family fortune or health depending on their position on the body.
If you have moles on your body, read the article and find out whether it’s true for you.

A mole on the temple is linked to prospects of traveling.

Having a mole on the temple actually means that you’ll have a chance to travel more, whether on business or leisure.

A mole between the eyebrows is linked to great career prospects.

In fact, the theory behind this is that this part of the body is the career sector.

In other words, this means promotion, a salary rise or something similar.

Having a mole between the eye and eyebrow means you’re an easily adaptable person.


Really, there are 9 different parts of your body that are stuffed with bacteria that you don’t know about it. In fact, many experts were intrigued in this subject years ago, and they have learned that more than 600 types of bacteria live in your tongue, mouth and many other parts that you wouldn’t even think of.

Bacteria sticks firmly to your tongue, and if you don’t brush it along with your teeth, it can stay there for years. A coated or white tongue occurs when the surface is colonized by bacteria or fungi, and dead cells become trapped between the small nodules on the tongue. Don’t let it build up more bacteria, instead, when brushing your teeth, brush the tongue as well.

A single mouth can be home to more than 6 billion bacteria, an impressive number when compared to 7.3 billion total human population of earth. Thankfully, teeth and your entire mouth can typically be kept healthy and happy with the minimal effort. Dental hygienists advise brushing for three minutes, with a soft brush. Replace the brush every three months – or sooner if the bristles are worn, bent or frayed. Also, replace your toothbrush if you’ve just recovered from a cold, the flu or another ailment. Germs like to lurk in your brushes bristles.

When you breathe through your nose, you put some kind of bacteria in it. It is not something that you can see, bacteria keep staying in your nose, more precisely in the hair of the nose.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Have 4 Spoons Of This In the Morning And No More Pressure, Cholesterol, Clogged Arteries

In the last few decades we have all witnessed to be full of heart issues and pressure, cholesterol, atherosclerosis. These are coming from unhealthy diet and no moving. And they can even be deadly.
So, therefore, we must pay attention to the cholesterol and pressure, in case we need to react. Here we are going to give you the best natural cure for arteries, lowering pressure and cholesterol.
It is quite easy to make and gives good results.

How it’s made?
You will need:

  • 5 bunches parsley
  • 12 cups water
  • 1 kg lemons
  • A bag baking soda

First, heat up the water and boil it. wash lemons and cut them in slices. Add them in the pot and ten add the baking soda and this sits aside for an hour.
Cut out the parsley, add it inside and then cook all items for 3 hours tops with low heat. After that, store this in glass and refrigerate.

Consume four spoons daily when you wake up. With this, the mix lasts for 20 days.

It’s Called “The Point Of A Hundred Diseases”- Here’s What Happens If You Massage It Every Day

The known fountain of the youth had been long time hiding in the roots of the Japanese culture and the legend says that the whole secret to remaining youthful lies in the stimulation of one body spot. What is more, by doing a massage on this spot, you will remain protected against many diseases and keep your body running perfectly.

There exist around 365 points and 12 major meridians hidden in the human body that can be stimulated for different reasons. The known acupressure is actually a form of natural healing of the body that involves massaging the body’s areas with different pressure.

This kind of method enables many benefits for the organism, like increasing the energy, improving the metabolism, etc.

Try to find “THE POINT OF A HUNDRED DISEASES” and massage this one in order to cure almost anything! In the Chinese medicine it is as well  known as the point of hundred diseases, but in Japan it is as well known as the point of longevity.

This one spot is known as Zu San Li, and in case  you massage it regularly, you will definitely slow down the aging process and boost your health.

This point is actually located right under the kneecap and can be easily reached. In order to find it, you should place your hands on knees (right on right, left on left) and then touch the spot between your little and ring finger.

What is more, if you press your feet on the ground, while being seated on the floor, you can as well locate this point easily. However, be careful to keep feet down to do this properly. The highest point on the knee is actually what everyone calls the Zu San Li point.

The name of it comes from the fact that this spot is the key to living along and proper life. By you stimulating it, you will prevent a number of diseases and deal with many health issues.

Along the numerous benefits this technique offers, this kind of method can as well: control your spinal cord and also improve the reproductive health, then heal your kidneys, glands, and digestion, also, support the adrenal glands performance, regulate the secretion of important hormones, such as adrenaline and hydrocortisone, and others.

What is more, massaging the Zu San Li point provides relief from issues such as constipation, gastritis, urinary incontinence, impotence, hiccups.

By you pressing this point you will decrease anxiety, stress, and tension, too.

In addition to that, this massaging process may as well help you lose weight naturally and effortlessly. The most incredible results come if you massage the spot each night before bed.

Here we present some other benefits that the Zu San Li point offers:

  • stabilizes glucose and insulin,
  • ameliorates digestion,
  • boosts the immune system function,
  • reduces inflammation,
  • decreases the odds for strokes,
  • aids with gastrointestinal issues,
  • The technique – step by step

Please make sure you are relaxed before you start the massage and it is also recommended that you are seated. So, take deep breath and think positively.

Start by massaging the spot on each leg in 9 circular movements. Make circular, clockwise movements. Perform this kind of massage in the morning, before lunch.

It is actually not advised to do this in the evening, because it can cause insomnia. This massage shall last for only ten minutes and you can do massage with your fingers or even with grains like oats, rice, buckwheat, and the like, or garlic cloves.

For what is more, you can as well apply garlic clove cut in half and apply on point. Let it for two hours until you notice redness.

The time of day is as well quite relevant in getting the best results from this massage. In case you massage the Zu San Li point clockwise in the morning, eight days before the New Moon, this is going to improve your immunity and ameliorate each body organ performance.

Massaging this one point right before lunch will improve your memory, also your cardiovascular and digestive system.

In case  you do this after lunch, it is going to  help get rid of headaches, anxiety, insomnia, stress and tension. At last, in case you massage this point on both legs, clockwise, in the evening, you will speed up the metabolism and lose weight easily.

Friday, November 22, 2019


Cancer is a very insidious disease. Even the forms of detection that are considered to be the best like for example tests and routine check-ups are not that reliable. Any strange symptom that you find suspicious and unexplained can help you detect it on time.

Here, we’re presenting you 20 of the 20 early signs that you should never ignore:

These signs are considered to be the earliest signs for the appearance of lung cancer in your body.

According to some patients, pain down the arm as well as chest pain and cough are also pretty common. Some types of cancers like leukemia and lung tumors can even mimic symptoms of a chronic cough.

Infections as well as frequent fever can signify leukemia which we all know is one type of a blood tumor that develops in the bone marrow. It makes the marrow produce abnormal white blood cells which later attack your whole immune system.

Having difficulties swallowing may signify the presence of throat, lung or esophageal cancer.

These are often negative changes in the lymph system and they are mostly caused by cancer.

This sign means that there’s a disturbance in the platelets and red blood cells. It can be caused by leukemia. The amount of white blood cells becomes abnormal. It can eliminate the red blood cells and your body becomes unable to clot, so you’ll start to lose blood.

Unfortunately, fatigue is considered to be one of the most overlooked signs. Still, it doesn’t always mean cancer, so you shouldn’t worry. It should come along with other symptoms. If you’ve noticed that you’re tired without a reason and you feel like that all the time, call your doctor.

These signs along with cramps and bloating usually signify ovarian cancer.

Make sure you visit a doctor if these symptoms continue for a long period of time as they usually indicate ovarian cancer.

Blood in the stool can be an early sign of colorectal cancer, so if you notice it, make sure you visit a  doctor.

How To Use Vicks Vaporub To Get Rid Of Accumulated Belly Fat, Eliminate Cellulite And Have Firmer Skin

Vicks VapoRub has been utilized for treating headaches, cold, cough, congested nose, chest and throat stuffiness. In any case, Vicks VapoRub can do so much more than this.

Vicks VapoRub has been available and utilized for over hundred years and it is known as one of the best over-the-counter decongestants. It has been recently shown that Vicks is much more than just a congested chest and that there are many unconventional ways to use this ointment.

Here are 21 more amazing uses of Vicks you have not heard about.

Puts off mosquitoes
Apply some Vaseline on your clothing and skin to keep mosquitoes away.

Sinus headaches
In case you are experiencing, do this trick immediately. Apply Vicks under your nose and inhale deeply. The menthol from Vicks will calm your headache.

Erase acne
Vicks can help you clean your skin as well. Apply it on your acnes a couple of times daily and it will dry out your acne and soothe the affected area.

Keep insects away
Rub Vicks VapoRub on your neck, inner knees, elbows, and behind your ears. To keep flies away while on a picnic, you should open the Vicks bottle. Also, this is the best eco-friendly trick.

No more bruises
Mix Vicks VapoRub with a pinch of salt and apply this combination on a fresh bruise. It will help you get rid of it quickly.

Alleviate sore muscles
Massage your sore muscles with Vicks, and  then, cover that area with a warm and dry towel. Lie down or lift the sore limb until the pain reduces. Repeat this three times daily.

Moisturize your skin
Rub Vicks VapoRub on your skin, if you have dry skin, and you will see the positive results.

Tennis elbow
In order to get rid of the pain from tennis elbow, apply Vicks on the affected area. The menthol and camphor will help you ease the pain. Rub again until the ache stops.

Treat cracked heels
Apply some Vicks on your feet and heels and put on your socks. Wash the feet with warm water the next morning. Exfoliate the softened skin with a pumice stone. Repeat this procedure every night in order to keep your feet healthy and smooth.

Fingernail or toenail fungus
Apply Vicks on the infected toenail or fingernail twice daily, and put on your socks. Make sure you trim your nails until you completely remove the infected part.

Relieve congestion symptoms and cough
To do this, apply Vicks on your throat and chest.

Prevent your cat’s scratching
Rub some Vicks to your windows, walls and doors in order to stop your cat`s scratching.

Faster healing of cuts and splinters
Apply Vicks on any splinter or cuts in order to accelerate the time of healing and prevent infection.

Reek-free racehorses
Professional racers rub Vicks below the nostrils of racehorses to prevent the horses from the fascinating stench of the female pony and keeps them focused on the race.

Read AMAZING RESULTS: Use This Simple Trick to Clean the Grout in Your Bathroom

Stretch marks
Apply Vicks on the affected area to reduce the visibility of the awful stretch marks. You will see the positive result after two weeks of regular application.

Prevent your pet’s peeing
Place an open bottle of Vicks in any area of the house where your pet is peeing.

Apply Vicks on the affected area to ease the inflammation and itchiness caused by eczema.

Relieve terrible ear pain
Put some Vicks onto a cotton ball and then put it in the painful ear. You will feel an instant relief.

Another option is to warm a garlic clove in the microwave for 10 seconds and then apply some Vicks vapo rub on one of the ends of the clove and place it in your ear.

Athlete’s feet
If you want to heal athlete’s feet apply Vicks twice daily.

Remove warts
Apply Vicks twice daily and cover it with gauze and a sock. You will feel better in just a few days. It is recommended to continue with this for about two weeks, until the wart disappears.

Fat burning cream
If you want to decrease localized fat and have the desired figure, you should utilize Vicks Vaporub as it can help you. Even though it does not work wonders, Vick VapoRub stimulates the fat burning process in the problematic area, such as legs or abdomen.

It can help you fight fat accumulation, remove cellulite and make skin tissue firm. All you have to do is to mix Vicks VapoRub with baking soda, camphor and a little bit of alcohol to prepare the fat burning cream. Apply onto the problematic area and wrap into black plastic or a clamping strip. You can do this while you are at home, at work or before doing your exercises.

VapoRub contains levomenthol, a solid white glass with mint flavor. If this component is used alone, it may lead to rash, however, it is completely safe when dissolved in Vicks, as it includes eucalyptus oil.

Camphor can also have a negative effect, so it is not recommended to use it directly, but in the commercial product packaging.

Also, you need to use this home remedy along with a balanced diet and exercise.

Needed ingredients:

  • Vicks VapoRub
  • Camphor
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Alcohol

How to prepare it:

Crush the average tablet camphor well and combine it with other ingredients until you get a paste. Transfer it in a plastic or glass container. Apply the resulted cream in the evening and make circular movements. After that, wrap the area with plastic wrap and leave it to stay for 30 minutes or overnight.
You can use this cream while staying at home or before doing your exercises.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


The first thing we think about when we get up in the morning is coffee! It’s one of the most popular and widely consumed drinks around the globe and I believe there isn’t a person who doesn’t like a warm cup of coffee in the morning.

It’s delicious, energizing and simply irresistible, we all know that, but there are a lot of things about coffee we don’t know.

For example, did you know that coffee grounds can be quite useful around the house and even as a part of your beauty routine?

Yes, the thick coffee grounds that are left at the bottom of the cup and which we throw away thinking they’re useless can be a real lifesaver is certain situations. All you have to do is spread the grounds on a piece of baking paper and leave them to dry.

Here are 10 ways in which you can use them afterwards:

Coffee grounds are an excellent remedy for cellulite. It’ no wonder almost every anti-cellulite cream and gel contains caffeine. You wonder how come you haven’t thought about this before? Mix some coffee grounds and oil and prepare the most effective and 100% natural anti-cellulite cream which won’t cost you a dime.

If you’re all out of soap you can use coffee instead. It will clean your hands perfectly well. It contains firming and peeling properties which can do wonders for your skin. Try it out and see for yourself.

Coffee can provide all the necessary nutrients and energize your hair as no other mask can. It’s especially efficient for dark colored hair, making it vibrant and radiant.

Against Bags under the Eyes
Mix some coffee grounds and a bit of olive oil and apply it under the eyes. Coffee is excellent against eye bags and dark circles. It will make your face look fresh and radiant, completely restoring the skin under the eyes.

In the Fridge
If you can’t get rid of that foul smell in your fridge coffee grounds can come to the rescue. Coffee is an excellent odor neutralizer and it will neutralize the bad smell from all sorts of food. Just place a cup of coffee grounds in the fridge and the smells will disappear.

Against Ants
Coffee can also be a life-saver in a case of ants infestation. It has a strong smell which blurs the ants tracks and they can’t find their way back home.

Against Wasps
Place some dry coffee grounds in a fire-safe jar and light it with a match. The steam/condensation will help you dispel all the wasps in a matter of seconds. They can’t stand the smell of coffee.

Against Snails
If you have a problem with snails in your backyard coffee can be of great assistance. They hate the smell of coffee so just spread some coffee grounds on the soil and you can rest assured that it will eliminate them.

If you’re bothered by stray cats in the neighborhood once again coffee can help you a lot. Spread some coffee grounds all around your house and you’ll create an invisible barrier which will keep them at bay.


On average, 25 years of our lives we spend sleeping. This is important because getting proper rest is essential to our overall well-being. Sleeping has many benefits – it not only revitalizes the body but also makes the brain work optimally.

Since time is very precious, it is of the utmost importance that the time spent sleeping is well spent. This article brings you an in-depth analysis of the various sleeping positions to help you choose the right one for yourself. Check them out!

1. Soldier position

Also known as the soldier position, sleeping on your back with your hands at your sides is considered to be the best sleeping posture. This posture is similar to the Savasana pose in yoga, and it is known to have many health benefits.


  • Perfect position to rest the spine, neck, and arms.
  • Helps improve the overall posture.
  • Reduces acid reflux.
  • Helps maintain perky breasts.
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Decreases the chances of headaches.
  • Prevents facial wrinkles.


  • May aggravate snoring in people suffering from sleep apnea.
  • Can negatively affect a fetus.
  • Can cause lower back pain.


Try sleeping on your back without a pillow. It will keep your body in a neutral position and might help reduce snoring.
Using a large pillow under the back of your knees will help support the natural curve of your lower back.

2. Starfish position

In this position, a person lies on their back but with their arms up on both sides of their head.


  • Excellent position to rest the spine and the neck.
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Decreases the chances of headaches.
  • It helps reduce acid reflux since the head is elevated and the stomach is able to sit below, so substances from the stomach can’t re-enter the esophagus.
  • Prevents facial wrinkles and skin breakouts.


  • This posture may aggravate snoring in people suffering from sleep apnea.
  • The awkward position of the arms can exert pressure on the nerves in the shoulder, causing pain.
  • Can cause lower back pain.


Avoid using a pillow while sleeping in this position to allow your head, neck, and spine to rest in a natural position.

3. Log position

While sleeping in this posture, you lie on your side with both arms positioned downward in a straight line. Sleeping on the left is considered one of the ideal sleeping positions as it offers quite a few health benefits.


  • Ideal sleeping position for the spine as it receives complete support in its natural curve.
  • Prevents back and neck pain.
  • Reduces sleep apnea and snoring.
  • This is the best sleeping position for pregnant women.


  • As your top leg does not get enough support, the chances are high that you may develop back or hip pain.
  • Side sleeping can lead to skin aging, facial wrinkles, and sagging breasts.
  • It can cause neck pain.


As this position can cause neck pain due to improper support to the neck, it is recommended to use a big pillow.
Place a pillow between your thighs to support your top leg.

4. Yearner position

The yearner position is actually sleeping on the left side with the arms outstretched. It is recommended to lie on your left side to better rest your vital organs.


  • Prevents neck and back pains.
  • Lying on your left side can reduce acid reflux.
  • Helps reduce sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Relieves heartburn.
  • Allows the body to clear waste from the brain more efficiently and decreases the risk of developing disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Research shows that people sleeping in this position are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night. This is most likely due to the comfort the body gets.


  • Restricts the proper flow of blood and puts pressure on the nerves, which may result in pain in the shoulders and arms.
  • Nerve compression may place a strain on internal organs like the stomach, liver, and lungs.
  • Can cause saggy breasts and premature skin aging.


Sleep on a satin pillowcase to reduce the chances of facial wrinkles.
Place a pillow between your knees to support your upper leg.

5. Fetal position

The fetal position involves sleeping with your knees drawn towards the chest and your chin down. It’s incredibly popular with women and experts suggest sleeping on the left side due to the benefits it offers.


  • Reduces snoring considerably.
  • One of the preferred positions for pregnant women.
  • Sleeping on the left side can help reduce acid reflux.


  • The extreme curl can put a strain on the neck and back, thereby causing pain.
  • This position, like other side-sleeping positions, can cause skin wrinkles and saggy breasts.


Use a firm pillow to support your head.

It is recommended that people sleeping in this position alternate sides during the night.

6. Freefall position

Lying flat on your stomach while sleeping is not the best sleeping position, and most experts advise against it.


  • In some cases, it has been found to reduce snoring.


  • Puts a strain on the spine and causes pain in the neck and lower spine.
  • Since the blood circulation is cut off from the face, it leads to the development of wrinkles.
  • Puts unnatural stress on the internal organs.

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Sunday, November 17, 2019


However, did you remember the fact that if you mixture honey with cinnamon, you may make the most powerful aggregate which will assist you burn weight overnight. Have a look at the short article listed beneath and discover more approximately this.

YES, it’s extremely fundamental– absolutely devour this effective drink prior to you nod off and awaken every early morning with much less weight. Sounds superb, ideal? Well sure it is and it in reality works, due to the reality that this powerful beverage is surely incredible.

Cinnamon can offer masses of health blessings, such as: it’s going to improve your pores and skin tone, decrease your cholesterol levels, increase the blood circulate, best for the heart, stomach, intestines and the best function of cinnamon is that will accelerate the weight loss procedure and help you slim down tons quicker (even while you sleep).

You can make use of cinnamon as a supplement to all the dishes after a quarter of a teaspoon to each meal, alternate sugar with cinnamon, absolutely or in part or make a special mix for weight reduction and ingesting it often. Every night before you falling asleep you need to eat a mixture of honey and cinnamon powder. And, in case you use this drink regularly, then you will be astonished by way of the effects.

Note: this aggregate is clearly easy and simple to make and you most likely have already got all the elements for your kitchen location cabinet.


Boil two hundred ml of water then add half of teaspoon of cinnamon powder and depart it for Thirty Minutes, till it’s cool. When the water is cool enough, you have to consist of 1 teaspoon honey and go away within the refrigerator. Consume one cup of this wonderful wholesome beverage.

Thirty Minutes before you falling asleep. Make sure you don’t add something else on this drink. You do no longer require to consume this in the course of the day. It simply works in case you take it at bedtime.

This blend will clean your digestion tract, take away parasites, fungis and other bacteria, which slows down food digestion within the frame. We in reality desire you find this put up beneficial and usually don’t forget to percentage it with your family. Thank You.


A well known ingredient to add shine and moisture to your hair while promoting hair growth and keeping your hair healthy is aloe vera. Aloe vera is used in a lot of commercial hair care products but they often contain toxic ingredients as well. So here is a recipe where you can use aloe vera to make your very own all natural hair mist at home.

Aloe vera gel- Aloe vera gel hydrates hair, treats dandruff and unclogs follicles thereby stimulating hair growth.

Argan oil- Argan oil is a great hair strengthener and growth booster. It also makes hair super shiny and soft.

Things you need-

  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 1/2 cup distilled water
  • 1 tsp of argan oil

Few drops of essential oil (optional)Directions-Fill a spray bottle with 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel, 1/2 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of argan oil and add few drops of essential oil. Shake well before use and mist it on your freshly washed hair to add moisture and shine to your hair or use it on your hair overnight for healthy hair growth.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Get rid of white hair in 5 minutes

This powerful mix popular in the oriental world is an effective natural remedy against hair loss and hair graying phenomenon. It is known as the Exotic Elixir due to its precious basic ingredient – curry leaves. It is believed that in only 5 minutes, the necessary time for its preparation, you can get rid of gray hair and can regain your brunette color back. At the same time, this exotic remedy improves the health of the scalp, stimulating hair growth. The mixture also acts on the roots hair, stimulating cell regeneration and reducing / stopping hair loss.

If You just want to return to the hair color you had the before, use only two basic ingredients: coconut oil and curry leaves. If you want a total regeneration of your hair and to Stop its fall, add crushed garlic and onion, shallots (French onions) when you prepare the miraculous oil. All you need is 1 onion, 5 shallots, 300 ml of coconut oil, 10 fresh curry stems and leaves.

Put curry leaves, onion, garlic and shallots in a blender or simply chop the ingredients knife. Add coconut oil. Boil the oil on the steam bath for 5 minutes until the ingredients become more rigid and darken. Stir occasionally. After the mixture has cooled, strain it and put it in a bottle. Apply the mask on your hair and leave on for 20-30 minutes then remove with water. Wash your hair with shampoo as you would normally.

This exotic elixir will restore the original color of the hair (except blond). Its special ingredients will help your hair grow longer, healthier, thicker, and faster. Unlike other natural oils, coconut oil act faster and more deeply on the hair.

Coconut oil prevents bleaching and hair discoloration. It enhances color, making it more vibrant and brighter. In addition, vitamins and essential fatty acids that we can meet in coconut oil nourish the scalp removing sebum deposits on hair follicles.


You wake up in the morning, stretch your body out while still in your warm bed, then make your way into the bathroom, only to find that the hair you plucked from your chin yesterday is back, and longer than ever.

Unwanted hair is inevitably going to grow in unwanted places. And, depending on what kind of face you prefer to present to the world, these can be a huge problem. Unwanted facial hair can become an embarrassing beauty concern for women, specially when they age and their estrogen levels change due to menopause.

The hair removal process can be tedious and painful, but by applying these natural DIY turmeric hair removal remedy, it does not have to be!

DIY Hair Removal With Baking Soda and Turmeric in 5 Min, Naturally and Permanently At Home.

  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder
  • Water to combine


  • In a small bowl, combine baking soda and turmeric.
  • Add a small amount of water to combine the ingredients. There should be enough water that the mixture becomes a paste.
  • Apply directly to areas that you wish to remove the hair.
  • Allow the mixture to dry on your skin.
  • When the mixture is dry, rub it off of the skin using your fingers.
  • Complete the procedure by washing your face with your favorite face wash in order to remove the turmeric color, and apply moisturizer.


  • Don’t use on dry or sensitive skin, as it can tend to dry out the skin.
  • Don’t use processed turmeric, as this can tend to stain. Instead, focus on using organic turmeric powder in this remedy.
  • To remove the yellow coloration on your skin left behind after the application of turmeric, dip a cotton ball in milk and rub it on your skin.

Friday, November 15, 2019


Our bodies area unit a mechanism wherever several things happen at the same time. Sometimes, the body will offer U.S.A. some signs that one thing isn’t quite operating because it ought to. What we’d like to try to to isn’t ignore those signs as a result of they may purpose to health problems. Thus,we area unit here nowadays to inform you concerning some sings that you just ought to look out for.


A Greek foot is additionally referred to as Morton’s toe, that may be a linger second toe on the foot. this might be a explanation for callusing or discomfort on the ball of the foot at the bottom of the second toe. This would possibly create the footwear extremely uncomfortable, thus, you may have to be compelled to be careful for an exact kind and elegance.

These rings would possibly seem in those that area unit over fifty years previous and this can be quite usual. If this seems during a abundant younger person, then, it would mean that the person has high cholesterin levels. If this can be happening, you may have to be compelled to consult a doctor.

If you’ve got fragile nails and hair, your body is telling you that you just would like additional B. simply try and drink some additional milk and have some nori seaweeds and mushrooms.

If your gums begin to bleed suddenly, and that they do that perpetually once you brush the teeth, it means you’re deficient in water-soluble vitamin. simply try and consume additional citrus fruits, spinach, inexperienced and red bell peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli.

If you’re feeling such as you need to eat ice, then it would mean that you just have anemia, or iron deficiency. If you would like to urge some iron, the simplest manner would be to consume additional beef, eggs, and molluscs. yet, it’s still higher to consult a doctor if you’re feeling like ingestion ice and you lack energy.

If you suddenly crave one thing sweet, it would mean that you just area unit stressed, exhausted or depressed. Thus, the body is posing for aldohexose. try and oblige it, and to avoid gaining weight, you’d have to be compelled to have some chocolate or honey.

If you lack antioxidant, this can end in waterlessness of the skin. Thus, you may have to be compelled to consume additional oils, vegetables, round the bend and fish.

If you’re experiencing these signs, then your body would possibly would like metal and metallic element. If you would like to require these very important components, consume additional tomatoes, oranges, bananas and spinach.

As you can see completely different sings can purpose to different health issues. Therefore, learn to concentrate to your body, your health are thankful!

How To Use Vicks VapoRub To Get Rid Of Accumulated Belly Fat And Cellulite, Eliminate Stretch Marks And Have Firmer Skin

We all know the uses of Vicks VapoRub,but in this article we present to you some uses of Vicks VapoRub that maybe you don’t know.

Sinus Headaches

This is a trick you must do immediately if you are suffering from sinus headaches. Apply Vicks under your nose and take a deep breath. Vicks contains menthol and it will help you calm your headache.

Puts off mosquitoes
You can now successfully keep mosquitoes away by applying a little bit of Vicks VapoRub on your skin and clothes.

Fast healing of cuts and splinters

Apply Vicks on your cuts and splinters to accelerate the healing process and prevent infections.

No More Bruises

If you combine a pinch of salt in Vicks VapoRub and apply it on a fresh bruise, it will help you get rid of it quickly.

Alleviate sore muscles
If your muscles are sore, massage them using Vicks VapoRub, and then cover the area with a warm and dry towel. Raise your sore limb or lie down until the pain alleviates. Repeat this process three times a day.

Treat cracked heels
Applying some Vicks VapoRub onto your heels and putting on socks afterwards before you go to sleep will help you a lot if you want to have healthy and smooth feet. You just need to do this every evening and wash your feet with warm water the following morning, then exfoliate the softened skin using pumice stone, and that’s it.

Eczema treatment

Applying VapoRub on the affected area will get rid of the inflammation and itching caused by this skin condition.

Tennis Elbow

Apply Vicks and the menthol and camphor it contains will help you to ease your pain. Rub again until the ache stops.

Athlete’s feet

In order to relieve the infection, put VapoRub on the affected areas a couple times a day.

Removes warts

Apply VapoRub on the warts twice a day and cover the area with a gauze or sock – this will remove the warts in only a couple of days.

Eases acne

Did you know that VapoRub can clean the acne from your skin? Just apply some of it on the affected area a couple of times a day and it will dry them out quickly.

Thursday, November 14, 2019



Our skin can be affected by many skin conditions including inflammation, imperfections, dim patches, age spots, and wrinkles. Regardless of which skin issue you’re experiencing, we all need to keep our skin healthy.

You won’t have skin inflammation or pimples if you’re your pores spotless and unclogged

Alexandra, a young YouTube star discovered a new method for cleaning the facial skin. The trap she exhibited will help you clean your pores, wipe out the overabundance oil and keep your skin youthful and solid. Here’s what you should do:


  • a spotless, unused toothbrush
  • 1 tablespoon of toothpaste
  • 1 tablespoon of heating powder
  • some warm water

Your skin routine should follow this order:

First of all, wash your face thoroughly. Then, use a towel soaked in hot water to warm all the skin locations where you have blackheads and open the pores.

Next, combine baking powder, water, and toothpaste into a bowl. Apply the mask on the areas where you have blackheads.

Massage the paste into your pores by using a toothbrush.

After you finish Step 3, leave the mask for 1 minute. Next, wipe it off with a towel

Finally, wash off the rest of the paste with warm water. You will be amazed by the results and your skin will be cleaner, softer, and smoother.

If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Pinterest.


Every woman wants to look perfect. That’s why we all make a lot of effort to stay clean, healthy and beautiful. Many women visit their cosmetologists, attend a gym regularly and eat healthy foods.

When it comes to looking great every detail is important. That’s why it’s necessary to keep your body clean. However, there people who neglect this stuff and think that it doesn’t matter. This is the biggest mistake.

You should know that taking a shower is an important part of your life. In this way you get rid of dirt and body oils. You also enrich your body with moisture. If you skip this procedure you may have various problems. That’s why we have prepared this information for you. Here are 6 things that will happen if you don’t shower.

We know that bacteria and germs are everywhere. That’s why it is so important to protect your body from them. The best thing you can do is clean it daily. If you don’t take a shower these tiny creatures will build up on your skin.

Well, it’s pretty obvious that if you don’t take shower and germs accumulate on your skin you can get several infections which can be rather dangerous for your skin and health in general. So, even if you are really tired, it’s better to take a shower.

If you don’t take shower then not only germs accumulate on your skin but dirt and sweat too. Dirt and sweat don’t let your pores function properly and can provoke different problems like pimples, acne and stuff like that.

It’s also obvious. We all know that if we don’t shower regularly our bodies get a rather unpleasant smell. You should take shower, at least in order not to smell like a trash bag. It won’t take a lot of time.

If you do not shower regularly your skin will suffer from dirt, sweat and various bacteria. It can lead to a skin condition known as dermatitis neglecta. Your skin will be covered with brown scaly patches.

As it has been mentioned above, without proper care your skin will be dirty and your pores will be clogged up. These problems can lead to the formation of pimples, rashes and other conditions which usually cause a lot of discomfort.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Amazing Hair Mask To Double Your Hair Growth In Just 4 Weeks

The beauty of their hair is a very important issue for women. Generally, patience is not their best card when it comes to hair growth. This is why we suggest to follow this AMAZING HAIR MASKfor a period of 4 weekstoDOUBLE YOUR HAIR GROWTH.

  • Egg
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Coconut oil – 1 tablespoon
  • Honey – 1 tablespoon

Directions :

  • Take a clean bowl.
  • Add 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon coconut oil and 1 tablespoon honey.
  • Mix it well.
  • Add 1 egg to this bowl.
  • Mix it well for consistency.
  • Apply this hair mask on your scalp and hair thoroughly.
  • Leave it on for  at least 1 hour.
  • Now wash it off with cold water or normal water.

Never use hot water after applying this hair mask. Once you wash it off with water you can use a mild shampoo and a conditioner. For best results use this hair mask for 2 to 3 times a week. In Just 1 month you will see the desired results.

Benefits of the ingredients of this Hair Mask :

Egg :

Hair primarily constitutes of proteins and amino acids and eggs are powerhouses of proteins, vitamins and fatty acids that nourish the hair extensively. The egg is a great solution to most of the hair problems. Eggs make the hair strong, prevent breakage, make them soft and help in their growth. eggs help to restore the natural oils present in the hair and scalp.It promotes hair growth and cleans and purifies hair. It also adds volume to your hair, controls oily, itchy scalp and strengthen your hair.

Coconut oil :

Coconut Oil promotes scalp health, hair growth and moisturizes dry brittle hair while adding luster, shine, and softness to the hair. It prevents hair breakage and split ends and Slows down hair loss.

Olive oil :

Olive oil helps to control dry and damaged hair. It helps to make hair stronger and healthy. It is a very good moisturizer. It helps to remove the dust and other pollutants from the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Honey :

Honey is a great hair conditioner that smoothes your hair. It is a natural antioxidant, so it tends to make your scalp healthy and stimulate hair growth. As honey is an emollient, it also improves the health of the hair follicles.


Every lady wants to have perfect eyebrows and long eyelashes. Long eyelashes are a classic feminine trait and many women have gone to great lengths (pun intended) for longer eyelashes.

Here’s how to grow eyebrows fast if you have sparse brow hair, are suffering from eyebrow hair loss or you just want to get thicker, fuller or bushier brows. There are a lot of hair growth supplements on the market. Some work, some don’t. With or without commercial products such as serums and conditioners, it is possible to get thicker eyebrows faster. You can do this by stimulating hair follicles to grow. Here are ways to make eyebrows to grow thicker, longer and fuller with natural home treatments.

This very effective hair growth serum is made of only natural ingredients and won’t affect your hormonal balance in any way, unlike many other pricey, packed with chemicals hair growth serums and products on the market (some of them might even change the color of your eyes…we don’t want it, right?). Source:

  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Castor Oil
  • Vitamin E Capsules

Look video…

Monday, November 11, 2019

How to Apply Castor Oil To Grow Thick, Luscious, Enviable Hair

Are you aware of the fact that castor oil can do wonders to your hair? No, then you must read complete article to know the benefits of castor oil that does to your hair.

Castor oil have been using from longer days in beauty treatments especially for skin and hair. It is often called as ancient remedy which can improve the appearance of your skin and promote hair regrowth.

Castor oil contains anti bacterial and antifungal properties that protects your skin from all types of infections and diseases. It also contains high amount of vitamin E, proteins, minerals, omega 6 that helps to keeps your hair healthy and make it grow quickly.

If you want to make your hair look thick, luscious and enviable then you must use castor oil on your hair to see tremendous improvement.

Using Castor Oil For Hair:
Regular use of castor oil often results in improving the health and appearance of your hair. Getting a bottle of castor oil will solve all the problems you face with your hair and give you long, shiny and thick hair.

The following are some ways to use castor oil for your hair.

Split Ends:
If you have split ends, just take a little amount of castor oil and rub it on the ends and leave it for one to two hours. Then wash your hair with mild shampoo.

Dandruff is one of the most common problem faces by many people these days. Many people go for using anti dandruff shampoos that doesn’t give satisfied results.

If you are one of them, then castor oil is the best solution. Just mix little amount of castor oil with olive oil and lemon juice. Apply this mixture on your scalp and leave it an hour and shampoo as usual.

Thickens And Regrows:
Castor oil is packed with omega 9 fatty acids that help to nourish the follicles of hair. It can also penetrate in to the pores and follicles that produce hair.

To Get Long Lashes:
Long eye lashes make you look more beautiful than before. If you want long eye lashes, just apply little amount of castor oil using a Q tip before going to sleep everyday

How To Apply Castor Oil To Your Hair:
Castor oil has thick and sticky consistency that can get messy while applying it to your hair. So, we will show you an ease way to apply castor oil without any messy and still helps to grow thick and luscious hair.

Castor oil will not only help to prevent excessive hair loss, its antibacterial and antifungal properties help to prevent scalp infections and improve the circulation to scalp and stimulate hair growth.

Regular use of castor oil often results in making your hair stronger and smoother with the support of keratin in hair.

Steps For Applying Castor Oil On Hair:

  • First, mix equal amount of castor oil and other carrier oil like coconut oil in a small bowl.
  • Place this small bowl of mixture in hot bowl of hot water to make it warm.
  • Now, prepare your hair by spraying little amount of water and massage your scalp with castor oil with your fingers.
  • Rub the oil between the palms and apply it along the hair.
  • Cover the hair with shower cap and wrap a hot towel around your head to improve the absorption of nutrients.
  • Leave it for an hour and then use a mild shampoo to rinse your hair.

You can repeat this 2-3 times in a week to see excellent results.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

My Korean Friend Told me about This Gel , Using this since Last 15 Days and Suddenly my Skin looks as 21 years old !

Do you wanna look younger? I know we all want this, it is just impossible to hide your age but you can always look younger.

For this you do not have to go under knife just follow some natural remedies and you can easily avoid aging signs that appear on your skin.


Ingredients Required:

  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • ½ tablespoon honey
  • 1 drop of pure lavender essential oil


  1. Combine the baking soda and honey together until it looks like a paste. Add one drop each of lavender and frankincense essential oils.
  2. Place a warm washcloth over your face and hold on skin for a minute or so to open up your pores.
  3. Gently rub face with facial scrub using small circular motions (be gentle with your skin!). Keep massaging skin with scrub for 3-5 minutes to fully remove dead skin from face and to let the essential oils work their magic.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Your face may be red for a bit but this will wear off.
  6. Use this scrub no more than 1-2 times a week.
  7. This scrub is alkaline to the skin, so to even out your pH it is a good idea to splash your face with rosewater afterwards. This will naturally balance your skin.

After using this natural scrub for 2 weeks, it can remove all aging signs from your face magically.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Use Vicks VapoRub to Get Rid of Accumulated Belly Fat and Cellulite, Eliminate Stretch Marks and Have Firmer Skin

We all know the uses of Vicks VapoRub, but in this article we present to you some uses of Vicks VapoRub that maybe you don’t know.

Sinus Headaches

This is a trick you must do immediately if you are suffering from sinus headaches. Apply Vicks under your nose and take a deep breath. Vicks contains menthol and it will help you calm your headache

You can now successfully keep mosquitoes away by applying a little bit of Vicks VapoRub on your skin and clothes.

Fast healing of cuts and splinters

Apply Vicks on your cuts and splinters to accelerate the healing process and prevent infections.

No More Bruises

If you combine a pinch of salt in Vicks VapoRub and apply it on a fresh bruise, it will help you get rid of it quickly.

If your muscles are sore, massage them using Vicks VapoRub, and then cover the area with a warm and dry towel. Raise your sore limb or lie down until the pain alleviates. Repeat this process three times a day.

Applying some Vicks VapoRub onto your heels and putting on socks afterwards before you go to sleep will help you a lot if you want to have healthy and smooth feet. You just need to do this every evening and wash your feet with warm water the following morning, then exfoliatethe softened skin using pumice stone, and that’s it.

Eczema treatment

Applying VapoRub on the affected area will get rid of the inflammation and itching caused by this skin condition.

Tennis Elbow

Apply Vicks and the menthol and camphor it contains will help you to ease your pain. Rub again until the ache stops.

Athlete’s feet

In order to relieve the infection, put VapoRub on the affected areas a couple times a day.

Removes warts

Apply VapoRub on the warts twice a day and cover the area with a gauze or sock – this will remove the warts in only a couple of days.

Eases acne

Did you know that VapoRub can clean the acne from your skin? Just apply some of it on the affected area a couple of times a day and it will dry them out quickly.

In this video you can see who to remove stretch marks :

Skin Tightening Homemade Wrinkle Cream That Works Better Than Botox

Here is a powerful skin tightening homemade wrinkle cream that works better than Botox which you can make using all-natural ingredients from the comfort of your home! If you have been looking for ways to help tighten your skin using natural home remedies, the following remedy will help you get results very fast!

Note: If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the following remedy, please refrain from using it without getting a skin patch test first.

Skin Tightening Homemade Wrinkle Cream That Works Better Than Botox
Skin Tightening Homemade Wrinkle Cream Ingredients:

  • 1/2 Tsp of Coconut Oil
  • 1 Egg White
  • 1/2 Tsp of Lemon Juice

Preparation & Application:
First, you will need to separate the egg whites from the yolk in a clean dry bowl and get rid of the yolk. Next, mix in the rest of your ingredients and begin to stir consistently until you have a smooth even mixture.

Wash your face clean of makeup, dirt, and toxins and using your fingertips, begin to apply the mixture. Use your fingertips to massage your face in a circular motion for 5 minutes. Leave the mask on for up to 30 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

Repeat this remedy as often as possible or at least 4 times per week to start getting results very fast. This mask is also very effective in treating skin conditions such as blemishes, pimples, and wrinkles.

Note: As much as we recommend home remedies for your skin, health, and hair, home remedies can sometimes be harmful to certain types of skin, therefore, we recommend you stay on the safe side by getting tested for skin allergies before using home remedies on your skin.

There you go! You now know how to make your very own Skin Tightening Homemade Wrinkle Cream That Works Better Than Botox! If you liked this post, please share it with your friends and also take a moment to follow us on Pinterest and Facebook for more helpful Skin Care tips.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

8 Simple Exercises to Reduce Hanging Lower Belly Fat

Lower Belly fat doesn’t look good and it damages the entire personality of a person.

Reducing Lower belly fat and getting into your best possible shape may require some exercise.

But the large range of exercises at your disposal today can cause confusion to you in making the right choice of the best one that will help you shed that Lower belly fat and reveal your hard-won muscles.

While it takes different kinds of exercises to burn the Lower belly fat in your body and achieve that desired well rounded stomach.

1. Double Leg Lifts

Leg lifts are some of the best exercises you can do to work out your abdominal muscle and your legs.

How To Do:

  1. Lie face up on the mat and put your palms under your head with elbows wide open.
  2. Spread the legs and raise them upwards keeping them joined at the heels and inhale.
  3. Exhale as you pull your torso up from the floor and crunch your tummy, feel the tension in your back muscles and the abdomen at this point.
  4. Hold this position for some seconds and then slowly lower your torso in the mat.

Repeat this exercise 10 times at a stretch.

2. Flutter Kicks

A simple exercise that can be done at home without purchasing any equipment.

How To Do:

  1. Lie on your back with your head and shoulders lifted off the floor and your hands behind your head.
  2. With both legs extended and toes pointed lift your right leg off the floor.
  3. And raise your left leg just a few inches off the ground.
  4. Drop your right leg swiftly down so that it hovers a few inches off the ground.
  5. And simultaneously raise your left leg up towards the ceiling.
  6. Without pause, alternate back and forth. Up and down on each leg is one repetition.

Do for 8 repetitions.

3. Crunches

This is one of the highly recommended exercise which can burn lower belly fat very easily and in no time.

How To Do:

  1. Lie on your back with your knees bent, and your hands behind your head.
  2. Lift your shoulders off the floor and curl your legs towards your ribcage; simultaneously.
  3. Slowly, return to starting position.

Repeat this process in 3 sets and 20 repeat.

4. Criss Cross

This exercise especially works your obliques and lower abdominal.

How To Do:

  1. Lie straight on the mat. Place the palms below the head with shoulders wide apart.
  2. Bent the knees and pull it up to the sheens.
  3. Now pull up your head and shoulders up from the mat till the base of shoulder blades as you exhale.
  4. Now inhale and exhale as you spread your left leg out and twist your torso toward right as if to touch the right knee with your left elbow.
  5. Now inhale as you straighten your body and switch legs, exhale as you spread out the right leg and twist your torso towards left as if to touch the left knee with the right elbow.

Repeat the set 10 times and gradually increase it.

5. Ball Crunch

This exercise ball, stability ball, balance ball and physio ball all mean the same. This will not only improve balance, coordination and stability. This exercise need a lot more muscles stabilization engages.

How To Do:

  1. Lie down on the ball so that the lower back is supported and feet are firmly planted on the ground.
  2. Place your hands on your chest or behind your head.
  3. Contract your abs and lift your torso up and forward. lower back down.
  4. The ball must remain stable during each contraction.
  5. Inhale as you lower back down, and exhale as you crunch.

Perform 3 sets and repeat 15 times.

6. Rolling Plank Exercise

The rolling plank trains your body muscles around the abdomen, hip and lower back.

How To Do:

  1. Lie down on the mat or floor sideways. Support your body on right elbow and right leg.
  2. The elbow should then be perpendicular to your shoulder and your left leg should be above your right leg, making sure they are together.
  3. Keep the knees straight. The hips should also not be touching the ground.

Hold this posture for about 30 seconds.

7. Vertical Leg Crunch

How To Do:

  1. Lie flat on the mat or on the floor with legs extended upwards towards the ceiling.
  2. And then one knee that is crossed over the other.
  3. Breathe in and then lift the upper body towards the pelvis. Breathe out slowly.

Do about 12 crunches for 3 sets.

8. Hip Lifts

How To Do:

  • Lie on the floor with your arms by your sides.
  • Your palms facing down and your legs over your hips at 90 degrees. Feet are flexed.
  • Then lift your hips off the floor using your core muscles while your legs are reaching towards the ceiling.

Then return to the starting position.

Repeat 15 times.

Share this smart exercises with everybody you know. They will thank you later when they get a flat stomach!


Step 1 – Pack

For this you will need

  • A plain toothpaste, do not use any gel based toothpaste (Use plain colgate)
  • Tomato juice
  • Vitamin E capsule
  • Aloe vera gel

First in a  clean bowl take half spoon of toothpaste. . In this add half spoon of aloe vera gel, make sure we have to add aloe vera gel and toothpaste in same amount. Add oil of 1 vitamin E capsule. Add 1 spoon of tomato juice. Mix it very well

Apply this mixture on affected area with help of clean fingers. Leave it fr 5 minutes and then wash it of with cold water

Pat dry your skin.

Step 2 – Vitamin E oil

Take few drops of vitamin e oil and apply this on your skin. Leave it overnight and wash your face next morning

Do step 2 every night before going to bed. Do step 1 & 2 both every alternate day for 1 month and you can see visible difference in your skin

Step 3 – Lime juice, Glycerin & Rose water

Mix one table spoon of lime juice with one table spoon of Glycerin & one table spoon of rose water. Mix them well & store it in a glass bottle. Apply every day half an hour before bath or apply at bedtime and wash with cold water in the morning before bath.

Step 4 – Turmeric & Orange/lemon

Mix ½ tablespoon of turmeric powder with orange juice or Lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Scrub it gently on your face and allow it to dry for 15 -20 minutes. Then, wash off gently using cold water. You can also apply walnut powder with honey & orange or lemon juice to make your face glow instantly.