Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Many human beings are unaware that a simple however effective component can prevent a coronary heart attack in one minute.One famous herbalist,John Christopher has located the best formula the way to forestall a coronary heart assault in 1 minute. There are greater than 50 natural formulation but one in all them became up to be the best. regardless of that he has no doctorate, his contributes in opportunity medicine are very sizable.

His secret ingredient is cayenne pepper! He knew that this pepper can prevent a coronary heart assault in 60 seconds, and he additionally claims that this method works impeccably at saving lives.Cayenne is the maximum popular sort of chilli pepper. make certain that you usually have a few on hand- it can shop a member of the family from a coronary heart attack.

how to Use Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper has at least 90,000 Scoville devices, in keeping with the Scoville warmness units (SHU). Habanero, African bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican hot Pepper, JalapeƱo, and Scotch Bonet are species of peppers that have the same SHU fee. you could locate cayenne pepper in supermarkets, oriental grocery shops or health food stores.

If you have cayenne pepper at domestic, give the character having a coronary heart attack a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a pitcher of water. The patient needs to be conscious for this to work.

If the individual is unconscious, you could use cayenne pepper extract. put a few drops beneath affected person’s tongue for results.

Cayenne pepper is a effective stimulant; it will increase heart rate and incorporates blood to all components of the frame, balancing movement. Cayenne pepper has hemostatic impact, stops bleeding right away, and helps in heart assault restoration.

Don’t forget, many health specialists say that they have got by no means misplaced a affected person way to this on the spot therapy.

Dr Schulz’s Cayenne Tincture Recipe

This tincture is the first-rate remedy for emergency cases of coronary heart assaults. Use handiest cayenne pepper, which is

the most popular kind of chili pepper; it is grown in India and South the united states.

Chili is a hairy tropical plant, and in contrast to peppers, it’s miles a perennial plant. ground chili is twenty times stronger than ordinary pepper, as it consists of a lot greater capsaicin, a pepper alkaloid. the warmth of chili peppers is inversely proportional to the size of the pepper, so the tiniest peppers are normally the freshest. always pass for this type.


  • Cayenne pepper powder
  • 1-3 fresh cayenne peppers
  • 50% alcohol (you could use vodka)
  • 1 litre glass bottle
  • Gloves


put on gloves for safety.

Fill 1 / 4 of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder. Pour in just enough alcohol that it covers the powder.

In a blender blend the fresh peppers with enough alcohol that you get a sauce-like consistency. upload the aggregate to the bottle so that ¾ of the bottle is crammed.

Fill the bottle to the pinnacle with alcohol and positioned the lid on. Shake the bottle several times a day.

depart the tincture in a dark vicinity for two weeks, then stress. keep very last tincture in a darkish bottle. For a more potent tincture, permit it infuse three months earlier than straining.

shop tincture in a dry, darkish place. It in no way spoils.

Dr. Schulz’s Dosing recommendation

give five-10 drops of the tincture to the aware patient who has suffered a coronary heart attack or stroke. provide any other 5-10 drops after 5 minutes. Repeat the remedy until the patient’s circumstance improves.

If the patient is subconscious, placed 1-3 drops under their tongue, and start CPR. Repeat the remedy after 5 mins, and repeat it every five minutes until your patient’s situation improves.

Health benefits

Cayenne pepper can be used in the remedy of different illnesses.

It has antifungal houses; it prevents the incidence of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum.

it’s far recognized for its useful effect at the digestive system, as it stimulates the manufacturing of gastric juices, and relieves gases.

Cayenne peppers have anticancer properties, and they may be in particular encouraged to patients identified with lung cancer and people who smoke. it’s far believed that capsaicin determined in cayenne pepper prevents the improvement of tumors caused by tobacco, and comparable results are noticed in sufferers identified with liver cancer.

It is also useful within the remedy of stomach troubles, flu signs and symptoms, migraines, allergies, redness, obesity, toothache and arthritis.

nutritional price

Scientists have showed the presence of 26 extraordinary vitamins in cayenne pepper. Calcium, zinc, selenium, and magnesium are some of the most crucial minerals observed in cayenne pepper. in addition to minerals, cayenne peppers are rich in nutrients C and A.

Cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural spices and might do miracles for the heart. if you battle with heart issues, continually have this tincture accessible.

Do This At Least Once a Week To Get a Perfectly Perky Breasts

Perfectly shaped breasts are a dream for every woman. However, as women age, the breasts start sagging and lose their elasticity do this to get a perfectly perky breasts. Fortunately, there are numerous things you should do to tone and make your breasts firmer. This includes regular exercise, healthy diet, and proper body care. So, in order to regain the firmness of saggy breasts, you should:

drink plenty of water
massage the breasts with pomegranate oil and Aloe Vera
maintain an optimal weight

Natural Remedies for Sagging Breasts

1. Breast Exercises

There are several exercises which can help you firm the breasts. The following exercises are extremely beneficial. They will shape the breasts, reduce the excess fat deposits, and strengthen the pectoral muscles located under the breasts.


In order to perform this powerful exercise, you should lie down on your stomach on the floor. Then, push your body up with your arms. Make sure your back is straight throughout the whole exercise. Get into plank position and then lower the body. Continue pushing your body up. You should exhale as you push back to the starting position.

Note: Your body should remain in a straight line from head to toe.

Chest Press

You should lie down on a flat bench with a dumbbell in each hand resting on top of your thighs. Then, extend your arms and hold for 10 seconds. Make sure you push the dumbbells up so that your arms are directly over your shoulders and your palms are up. Next, lower the dumbbells down until your elbows are slightly below your shoulders.

Arm Raise

This is a quite simple exercise. All you should do is stand with your feet apart and reach straight up.

2. Breast Mask

This is another great way to make your breasts firm and toned.

Egg and Vitamin E Oil Breast Mask


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon of Vitamin E oil
  • 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt


Mix all the ingredients well until you get a thick paste. Then, apply it on your breasts with a gentle massage. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water.

3. Massages
Additionally, you can use various ingredients to perform a massage on your breasts. Therefore, you can use a few ice cubes, coconut oil, vegetable or olive oil, and other essential oils. You have to practice doing the massages 2-3 times a week.

Hope you enjoyed and learn a way how to Get a Perfectly Perky Breasts.

Sharing is Caring!


No doubt, bicarbonate of soda is wide utilized in social unit cleanup, because it is extremely effective for cleanup and eliminating odors.

But, bicarbonate of soda not solely serves to stay our home clean and with a pleasing smell, however conjointly for the care of hair and skin, among others.baking-soda

Today during this article we’ll show you seven extraordinary uses of bicarbonate of soda which may cause you to lovely and enticing like ne’er before:

You just have to be compelled to combine a trifle bicarbonate of soda with some water till you get the consistency of a paste. you must apply it on the skin with mild circular movements for forty seconds and rinse with cold water.

2.Provides shine to the hair.
This is because of the actual fact that sodium hydrogen carbonate acts on the hair fibers strengthening the hair. combine one tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda for each four liters of water and each time you wash your hairrinse it with this water.

3.Natural deodorant
Make a light paste with a little baking soda and water. You should apply it directly on the armpits giving gentle massages with circular movements.

4.It eliminates the bad odor of the footwear.
Sodium bicarbonate has properties that effectively neutralize odors. You should only place 1 tablespoon of baking soda inside the shoe, spread it very well, let it act for 40 minutes and then remove it.

5.Whiten your teeth
You need to make a paste with baking soda, salt and water. You should brush your teeth using this mixture, rinse very well with water and brush again but with the common toothpaste to remove the remains of baking soda.

6.Lighten the clothes
Mix baking soda, white vinegar and water in equal parts. Then pour the mixture into a deep bowl and place the clothes so that it is completely covered by the mixture. Leave to act for 3 hours and wash as usual.

7. protect from the sun.
You just have to be compelled to create a combination with a little baking soda and water till you get a swish consistency. you ought to apply on the skin giving gentle massages and take away with warm water.


Personal experience, common sense, and many types of research have shown that our annoying little problems which we encounter daily can be solved by awesome body hacks. These hacks can hold back tears, improve your sleep, and even cure hiccups.

Hacks are either build on information get through general real-world experiences or personal experience. Although many hacks are not medically or scientifically recognized, and some hacks are approved by science.

Our suggestion is to remember these hacks so you can use them when needed.

Here are 7 amazing body hacks that will change your life.


It can be really irritating and annoying when you get a nasty case of hiccups in a public area. If you want to stop hiccups instantly, you need to increase the level of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. You need to drink water upside-down to achieve this. It will also take your mind off of your hiccups. To do this:

First, you need to fill a glass with cold water.

Put your head down while bending down at the waist

Drink the water from the opposite side of the glass and not as you would do normally.

You can repeat again if it doesn’t help just once.

If you are in a public place, this remedy may not be feasible to do. In these cases, try holding your breath as long as possible, then exhaling as slowly as you can.


Yawning is another annoying issue that most of us have to deal, especially when you are attending a meeting or sitting in class listening to a lecture. Yawning sends the signal that you are bored or disinterested.

You need to take a glass of cool water and sip it slowly if you want to suppress yawning. It will refresh your body and stop the feeling of yawning for some time.

Another option is to take a few deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth until the need for yawn has passed.


The emotional reaction that most of us have to go through sometimes is crying. But there are cases when our only wish is to hold back our tears, especially in public areas.

You need to just hold your eyes open without blinking every time when feel like crying and want to hold the tears back. This will definitely prevent to form the tears.

You can blink a few times quickly to stop the flow of tears in a case when you have already started crying. If you turn your face upward and look up, you can also prevent crying.

Another option is a distraction through the pain. You need to pinch the webbed piece of skin between your index finger and thumb. If you pinch harder, you can stop crying sooner.


cid reflux usually occurs after having a heavy meal for dinner. It is characterized by burning pain around the lower chest area or heartburn.

You need to sleep on your left side when you are prone to acid reflux. This will prevent stomach acid from sliding up into your throat because it will keep your stomach lower than your esophagus.

You should avoid sleeping on your right side. A 2000 study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology showed that a right-side sleeping position causes an increased incidence of acid reflux and higher acid levels.

The second option is chewing gum after you eat and go to bed soon after.


In most cases, a bad mood means that your day is ruined. Smiling is not that easy when you are in a bad mood or sad, but just one smile can set everything right.

If you want to get rid of a bad mood and start to feel better, just put a pen or pencil in your mouth. You activate the same muscles when you smile and when you put a pencil in the mouth. This releases serotonin and dopamine in the brain, sparking a feeling of happiness.

This is an interesting and simple mood enhancer technique that you should try often to keep yourself happy.


Many people work on a computer all day, hour after hour. Unfortunately, when you finish your work, you may have a very bad headache and eyestrain.

To solve this annoying problem, use the 20-20-20 rule. Find an object that is situated about 20 feet away from your computer where your eyes don’t need to work hard to focus. And, for every 20 minutes, you spend working at the computer, you should spend 20 seconds looking at that object. You should use this simple trick to reduce eyestrain.

Also, do not forget to blink your eyes more often to keep them from drying out. You need to give your eyes a much-deserved break from screen time.


Those who travel a lot often and work in shifts face challenges going to sleep and waking up at different times than their natural body clocks would prefer.

When travelers and shift workers change their eating habits, they may successfully manipulate their body clocks.

Eating habits send messages to the hypothalamus, which decide about when a person should be sleeping and when they are awake.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Get Rid Of Herpes Using A Simple Trick

Herpes is a disease brought about by the herpes simplex infection, showed through little injuries and rankles in the territory around the lips. Antiviral meds may help you, however these are not the ideal answer for you. We propose that you attempt this basic trap to dispose of the difficult rankles.

Herpes simplex is generally safe, however the disturbing viral disease regularly comes back to the same place as a rankle or sore. It is a truly unsavory stylish issue, yet you ought not stress. We recommend that you attempt this basic trap, and trust it or not, everything you need is a solitary garlic clove – an item you generally have in your kitchen.

Finely cleave the garlic clove and apply it on the rankle. Abandon it for ten minutes, then flush with tepid water. Rehash the treatment for 5 times, and inside 12 hours the injuries will be totally gone. On the off chance that the contamination has influenced a bigger range, rehash the same method for 2 days.

Garlic fortifies the body’s guarded system. It is rich in minerals, for example, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Because of Its high substance of allicin and vitamins, numerous consider it to be an intense and characteristic anti-microbial.

Besides, garlic is amazingly useful for individuals with hypertension, and it is regularly used to separate fats in the blood. Garlic keeps the advancement of tumor, treats atherosclerosis, diabetes, coronary illness, ailment, migraines, eases anxiety, exhaustion, bronchitis, ceaseless hack, asthma, takes out poisons from the body, detoxifies the guts, enhances dissemination and counteracts thrombosis.


Many of us have the habit of going to bed with wet hair. However, you should know that this is a huge mistake. In fact, sleeping with wet or even damp hair can be the cause of many health problems. This does not, however, mean that you will catch a cold or pneumonia bit there are some other health issues that might arise.

When you go to bed with wet or damp hair, the moisture from it gets retained, thus inflaming the scalp which results in an annoying itching sensation. In addition, this also causes damage to the name. surprisingly enough, even keeping a towel on your head for too long can have the same effects of retaining moisture.

Sticky hair
Sleeping with wet hair can result in sticky hair. Thus, your hair will because really hard to detangle. This especially applies to people with long hair.

Hair breaking
When the hair is wet it makes it more prone to breaking. Therefore, sleeping with wet hair only increases the risk of the hair breaking.

When your scalp is moist for a longer period of this, this interferes with the function of the sebaceous glands. As a result of this, these glands start producing more or less oil. In addition, this could also disrupt the natural pH balance of the scalp thus triggering dandruff and/or excessive oil of the scalp.

Itchy skin
Sleeping with wet hair can cause your scalp to itch. This happens because of the moisture which is formed on the skin of your scalp which irritates the skin.

What is more, sleeping with wet hair also makes the towel and the pillow wet. This makes those places the perfect breeding places for bacteria. Thus, this can also lead to infections of the scalp.

As we have already been mentioning before, wet hair causes for the retaining of moisture during the night. However, on the other hand when we sleep our body’s temperature rises. Hence, because of the different temperature differences between the hair and the body you could start having a headache.

Muscle pain
Last but not least, due to the difference in temperature, sleeping with wet hair can also be a cause of muscle pain. This can appear as severe cramps or facial paralysis. In some rare cases, it might also lead to whole-body paralysis and even be the cause of death.


Every one of us should be aware of the importance of body detoxification. It helps to remove toxins of the body, therefore enabling it to properly absorb the nutrients. What is more, detoxification removes cancerous compounds. In this article, you will learn how to prepare an amazing drink. This drink will not only improve your immune system and boost your metabolism, but it will also cleanse your body from toxins thus helping in the process of losing weight.

Stomach fat is connected to high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. There have been numerous studies which have proven the link between stomach fat and type 2 diabetes. According to a study published in The Journal Health magazine, excess belly fat can be the cause of sudden heart problems.

Therefore, in order to lose that excess belly fat, you must exercise regularly and eat healthy food. The recipe provided here makes an amazing drink. The ingredients of this beverage will burn your fat in no time. Thus you will able to achieve your goal.


  • 1 cucumber
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
  • Bunch of parsley
  • 1/3 cup of water

This drink is extremely easy to make. Just put all the ingredients in a blender and blend them until you get the consistency of a juice. If you want to, you can add a bit more water.


This drink should be consumed every night before going to bed. It is best if you prepared this drink immediately before drinking it. Its freshness will give you the best results which will be visible in no time.


Kidneys are very important for your health since they cleanse the body. One kidney filters about 10-150 quarts of your blood every single day. In addition, they eliminate unnecessary fluids from your body, produce red cells, regulate the electrolyte levels and regulate the blood pressure. Therefore, it is very important that we keep our kidneys healthy. These are some of the signs that can indicate kidney failure or damage.

1. Changes in the urine
The most common symptom for kidney damage is change in the
urine. Keep an eye for the following things:

  • Trouble urinating
  • Urine’s color is pale and it is foamy,
  • accompanied by increased urinating
  • Urine’s color is dark, accompanied by reduced
  • need to urinate and reduced amount of urine
  • Need to urinate at night

2. Feeling fatigued
Kidneys are responsible for producing EPO, i.e. a hormone
that produces red blood cells which supply the oxygen the body needs. If the
number of your red blood cells is lowered, you will feel fatigued and
experience brain and muscle damage.

3. Pain
Oftentimes, kidney damage or failure is accompanied with severe pain in the upper back, just where the kidneys are. This pain might also be the result of infections or stones.

4. Bad concentration or dizziness
If the brain isn’t getting the needed amount of oxygen, this
can lead to anemia or kidney failure. Moreover, you will feel dizzy, unable to
focus, having memory problems and light-headed.

5. Swellings
If the kidney is not functioning properly it cannot release
the excess fluids. This might lead to swelling of the face, limbs and joints as
well as bloating.

If you liked this post share it with your friends and family.

Monday, January 6, 2020


ThŠµ Š¾nly wŠ°y in order tŠ¾ prŠµvŠµnt fŠ¾r bŠ°ctŠµriŠ°, is tŠ¾ actually  tŠ°kŠµ Š°dŠµquŠ°tŠµ cŠ°rŠµ Š¾f yŠ¾ur intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ°.

TŠ¾dŠ°y, our mŠ°rkŠµt Š¾ffŠµrs quite a  lŠ¾t Š¾f prŠ¾ducts thŠ°t cŠ°n imprŠ¾vŠµ thŠµ hŠµŠ°lth Š¾n thŠµ intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ°s Š¾f wŠ¾mŠµn Š°nd stŠ¾p Š¾dŠ¾r.
In case yŠ¾u wŠ°nt tŠ¾ tŠ°kŠµ prŠ¾pŠµr cŠ°rŠµ Š¾f yŠ¾ur bŠ¾dy, fŠ¾llŠ¾w thŠµsŠµ tips:

This one is actually  Š° mŠµthŠ¾d thŠ°t invŠ¾lvŠµs sitting in Š° chŠ°ir whilŠµ smŠ¾king Š° bŠ¾wl Š¾f tŠµŠ° frŠ¾m wŠ¾rmwŠ¾Š¾d cŠ¾mbinŠµd with Š¾thŠµr hŠµrbs.

This kind of ChinŠµsŠµ prŠ°cticŠµ Š°ctuŠ°lly Š°llŠ¾ws thŠµ stŠµŠ°m tŠ¾ ŠµntŠµr thŠµ bŠ¾dy, then clŠµŠ°n thŠµ intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ° Š°nd thŠµ utŠµrus, Š°nd hŠ¾ld thŠµ infŠµctiŠ¾ns Š°wŠ°y frŠ¾m thŠµ bŠ¾dy.

A number of  wŠ¾mŠµn usŠµ some  gŠµls fŠ¾r thŠµ intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ°, and some prŠ¾ducts thŠ°t utilizŠµ wŠ°tŠµr Š°nd clŠµŠ°ning Š°gŠµnts, but so, Š°ccŠ¾rding tŠ¾ dŠ¾ctŠ¾rs, yŠ¾u shŠ¾uld definitely stŠ°y Š°wŠ°y frŠ¾m thŠµsŠµ gŠµls, because  thŠµy cŠ°n cŠ°usŠµ infŠµctiŠ¾n, and then lŠµŠ°d tŠ¾ infŠµrtility, Š°nd Š°rŠµ also linkŠµd tŠ¾ numŠµrŠ¾us hŠµŠ°lth issuŠµs.

YŠ¾u shall Š¾nly clŠµŠ°n thŠµ surfŠ°cŠµ Š¾f thŠµ intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ°. As well, dŠ¾ nŠ¾t fŠ¾rgŠµt thŠµ rulŠµ tŠ¾ Š°lwŠ°ys wipŠµ frŠ¾m frŠ¾nt tŠ¾ bŠ°ck whŠµn you are actually using the loo, Š°nd then tŠ¾ clŠµŠ°n yŠ¾ur intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ° using Š¾nly hŠ¾t wŠ°tŠµr whŠµn yŠ¾u tŠ°kŠµ Š° shŠ¾wŠµr.

FrŠ°grŠ°nt sŠ¾Š°ps Š°nd dŠµtŠµrgŠµnts
These  Š°rŠµ Š¾nŠµ Š¾f thŠµ mŠ¾st cŠ¾mmŠ¾n rŠµŠ°sŠ¾ns fŠ¾r irritŠ°tiŠ¾n in thŠµ gŠµnitŠ°l Š°rŠµŠ° in mŠ°ny wŠ¾mŠµn, ŠµspŠµciŠ°lly tŠµŠµnŠ°gŠµ girls.

The soap cŠ¾ntŠ°in chŠµmicŠ°ls thŠ°t might as well irritŠ°tŠµ thŠµ sŠµnsitivŠµ skin. What is more, thŠµ sŠ¾Š°p is mŠ°dŠµ tŠ¾ brŠµŠ°k up Š¾il, Š°nd it brŠµŠ°ks up thŠµ Š¾il thŠ°t Š°ctuŠ°lly prŠ¾tŠµcts thŠµ skin Š°nd cŠ°usŠµs skin drynŠµss.

Therefore, rŠµmŠµmbŠµr tŠ¾ Š¾nly usŠµ hŠ¾t wŠ°tŠµr whŠµn yŠ¾u shŠ¾wŠµr.

DŠ¾ nŠ¾t ever fŠ¾rgŠµt thŠµsŠµ tips Š°nd dŠ¾ nŠ¾t fŠ¾rgŠµt thŠ°t tŠ°king cŠ°rŠµ Š¾f yŠ¾ur intimŠ°tŠµ Š°rŠµŠ° is vŠµry impŠ¾rtŠ°nt.

A Miracle Herb: Woman Was 72 Kg On Thursday, And Went Down To 67 Kg By Saturday

Parsley is commonly used to improve the taste of our dishes, but this health-boosting herb provides more than that. For one thing, it’s a powerful diuretic that effectively treats urinary tract infections and other kidney-related health issues. Parsley is also beneficial because it prevents water retention.

The parsley tea we recommend here is widely popular across the Balkans. Don’t miss out on this amazing recipe that will not only boost your UT function, but also help you get rid of excess water in your body. The method of preparation is extremely simple.


  • 5 chopped parsley
  • 1 l. water


Start by adding the chopped parsley into a liter of boiling water. Remove from heat then leave for 20 minutes for the ingredients to blend well. Strain and drink!

By being a strong diuretic, parsley also helps remove toxins, bacteria and harmful substances from your body. It’s also a great antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of free radicals thus reducing the risk of serious diseases such as cancer.

The recommended daily dose for parsley tea is one liter. Although this recipe is extremely beneficial, don’t go over the board with it.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


In this text we’re going to show you the way to make the maximum powerful self-made (homemade) juice, so that it will assist you cleanse your blood, remove all pain and inflammations! You’ll be surprised by way of the results!

But, first you have to know that persistent inflammation is the basis reason of many illnesses and fitness troubles, the entirety from heart ailment and Alzheimer’s, to fibromyalgia and even weight problems! at the same time as many doctors are finally jumping on the bandwagon, providing anti-inflammatory diets and dietary supplements.

There are many practices you may do at home that will assist in the combat. And, as we stated – in this newsletter we’re going to expose you a way to make the maximum powerful homemade juice that allows you to help you cleanse your blood and fight infection!


  • 5 carrots
  • 1 tbs. of turmeric powder
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 orange


Right here’s what you need to do – it’s quite simple!

First, you need to peel the lemons, orange, carrots and the ginger and put all the ingredients into a blender. Mix them properly and pour this mixture into a glass!

A way to use it – the professionals say you have to drink this mixture on an empty stomach, in the morning – right away once you awaken.

And believe me – you’ll be surprised by means of the results!

Guava Leaves Can Stop Your Hair loss and Make It Grow Like Crazy

Both, men and women, commonly experience hair loss, and despite the use of numerous different anti- hair loss remedies, products and treatments, it seems that nothing can solve them.

Yet, we have some good news! We will reveal a completely natural and extremely effective way to treat hair loss- guava leaves!

They are probably the best natural remedy in the case of hair loss and are also considered to be extremely useful in increasing platelets in patients suffering from Dengue fever. Experts claim that the regular use of guava leaves can prevent and successfully treat hair loss. Moreover, this method will also boost the hair growth!

These leaves are high in vitamin B, which is vital for a healthy hair growth.


Boil a handful of guava leaves in a liter of water for around 20 minutes. Then, leave the mixture to cool at room temperature. Use this mixture to massage the scalp. Leave it in for several hours, and then wash it off. For best results, massage the scalp in the evening before going to bed, put on a shower cap, and leave it to act until the next morning.

Also, you can apply the tonic to your hair roots and scalp after you wash the hair.

This guava leaves treatment is extremely effective and will undoubtedly solve the hair loss issues! Moreover, its regular use will stimulate the hair growth as it successfully strengthens the hair follicles and roots.

Thursday, January 2, 2020


Everyone wants a slim and fit looking body. But not eating healthy food and not getting time to maintain fitness had shattered dreams of many. Luckily, there are some foods and supplements available, which can cut your fat and help you in achieving the goal of a slim body. In this article, you will read how you can achieve the slim body you want with a simple drink.

It’s a powder that helps you remove the hips and belly fat and it’s very effective. The powder can be found in most households and it’s called Baking Soda. It’s going to improve your digestion, as well as provide amazing alkalizing powers to your body.

It’s also going to cleanse your body and eliminate the waste particles from it.

All you need is some water, lemon juice, and baking soda. It’s recommended that you take anywhere between a ½ teaspoon to 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix it with an 8-ounce glass of water

The best time to drink it is before going to sleep, on an empty stomach. You can use pure sodium bicarbonate. However, note that you should be careful if you have high blood pressure and consult your doctor before trying this weight loss regime.

Also, you can take a cup of water and add a couple of lemon juice drops in it, along with a teaspoon of soda. Stir it up and consume it every morning on an empty stomach, around half an hour before eating. Your fat will be removed in no time and you will achieve the body you’ve always wanted.

We really hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank You.

8 Things Women Should Do After Making Love For Good Feminine Hygiene

You kind of not really feel like getting out of bed, so therefore,  doing these good habits after sex could save you from very unsexy consequences.

Practicing some good post-coital (after sex) hygiene in the long run, will definitely help you to ward off infections and germs that may create bigger health issues.

It might as well be tempting to skip that part and fall straight to sleep, but that one window right after intercourse is when you want to take action in order to ensure that no undesirable bacteria can fester, most especially where you can not reach.

What is true is that there actually exist a few things you can do to clean up, but here you have the most important in the list of things you should do.

Some outside molecules, including the  bacteria, are able to enter the urethra, your urinary tube, quite easily during sex, while putting you at risk of contracting a urinary tract infection.

And the best way to flush out those harmful intruders is by peeing, even though  you don’t feel a compelling urge to do so.

If it so happens that you for sure have nothing to pee, ingest a glass of water and enjoy a short, but romantic cuddle session, then use the bathroom.

In some of the case, you will definitely need some more time and well, there exist some other things you can tend to first in your cleanup routine.

Having a full shower will take care of most aspects of your post-coital cleanup checklist.

But, you should avoid using overly hot or overly cold water, as your private parts will still be tender from your intimate activities.

Use some mild soap. There is definitely  no need for anything extra perfumed, or even feminine washes, which can in turn actually damage the pH in your vaginal tube.

There exist many  products that you will find in pharmacies that are marketed as helping you to keep fresh.

These are some things as for example wipes and sprays that are made with harsh chemicals like detergents, perfumes or lotions that are actually very unsuitable for your skin and can cause a rash or other skin problems and also, you shall definitely  avoid pads and tampons that have a scent.

In case you don’t take a full shower, do one gentle rinse with warm water, or at least  you can as well use a clean wet towel to wipe every part of your body that might be exposed to bacteria.

As well, swish with some mouthwash to eradicate germs and bacteria in your mouth.

Enjoy your foreplay, but also do not forget the cleanup after. Some certain sexually transmitted infections, like chlamydia and gonorrhea which is yuck, also may happen in the mouth as well.

Mouthwash particularly, is most effective in killing bacteria for this purpose.

By brushing, you might as well just end up transferring the germs onto your toothbrush, and obviously, and obviously you do not want that.

Gargle your mouth for about 15-20 seconds, then spit, and then rinse away those icky germs with water.

Even though it is perfectly normal to use toys and lubrication to help with intercourse, these too must be washed as well.

A little bit of soap and some warm water will definitely help to eliminate most of the germs. In case you want to be extra diligent, some silicone toys can as well be boiled to kill off the germs.

For things that are powered with a battery or has some sort of mechanism, first read the manufacturer’s instructions before immersing in water or subjecting it to germ-killing temperatures.

This is the one thing on the list that you should not do in your cleanup routine.

Doing the douching is a misguided and old-fashioned method that is now discouraged, because it has been found that douching can lead to more infections, rather than eliminate them.

Our vagina has its own self-cleansing mechanism, which includes good bacteria that help to keep the pH levels healthy and balanced.

Very rare does the vagina require any additional help in keeping clean so you shall definitely do your part in keeping the outside area of your private region clean, but the vagina will take care of itself.

While  being intimate with your partner, you can hardly be expected to be mindful of what is happening to your clothes.

Some body fluids that stain your underwear and clothes will develop bacteria, so those clothes are probably not something you would want to wear again, so therefore toss them right right in your laundry basket and pick some fresh new garments to wear.

What would be actually great  is to actually put the bedsheets into the wash as well.

The body should also return to normal quite soon after the  intercourse.

Please note any changes, as for example lesions, sensations or bumps, and monitor them.

In case these physical changes, or any other discomfort you feel, become worse and worse  or does not go away within reasonable time, it is best to meet a doctor for your symptoms.

So, write down where you initially felt the discomfort, or what you noticed about physical symptoms, such as whether the size changed, the pain intensified, etc.

I strongly recommend writing these down immediately, because you may not remember them later.

Just in case it happens that you wish for best results, you should definitely know about your partner’s sexual health before jumping into bed with them.

Consult  with your boyfriend/girlfriend about this one even if it is an uncomfortable topic to bring up.

In case you still can not be sure about the health of your partner, then pay attention to symptoms like bumps, pain or sores around your genitals, or unusual discharge.

It is always a quite good thing to get an STD (sexually-transmitted disease) test just to be sure, as scary as it might be.

Although not followed by pain, it is the fear in ourselves of getting positive results that is more daunting.

That is the reason why, your sexual partner should be someone trustworthy and loyal, who will not put you at risk of contracting an unwanted STD, and vice versa.

How Your Body Warns You That Your Adrenals are Burnt Out

Our adrenals are important glands in our body as they help our body in dealing with stress and anxiety. As per James Wilson, who wrote the book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome, they are “the glands of stress”. Our endurance, resilience, and energy are dependent on the proper functioning of our adrenals. Whenever our adrenals start getting overworked, it will lead to a reduction of cortisol levels and imbalances in our hormones.

There is a dysfunction present between the adrenal glands and the brain. The glands are present on top of the kidney and produce sex hormones and cortisol. A proper balance would result in good sleep, healthy body weight, great sex drive, and proper metabolism rates. But when there is stress, our body will produce hormones to get rid of it.

Our hypothalamus will release corticotropin-releasing hormone, which on the other hand will trigger the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone. The adrenocorticotropic hormone acts as a stimulant, releasing cortisol which raises the sugar and blood pressure levels. During chronic stress, the cortisol continues to stay high in our body and this results in adrenal burnouts, depression, etc. Also, there is depletion of serotonin and in the process, one gets neuroendocrine dysfunction.

When you have adrenal fatigue, your normal life gets disrupted. You end up having anxiety, brain fog, etc.

Some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue are:

  • Gain in weight
  • Exhaustion
  • Brain fog
  • Depression
  • Digestive conditions like constipation, diarrhea, etc.
  • Salt or sugar cravings or both
  • Anxiety
  • The 3 pm crash
  • Vulnerability to different illnesses
  • Inability to take stress
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Hot flashes which are generally associated with menopause
  • PMS
  • Problems with concentration
  • Stage of Burnout

The condition has been divided into three stages by Wellness Mama.

Cortisol levels generally stay high during the morning, but when you have elevated levels at night, then it is a problem. Cortisol levels should stay low at night. You will have difficulty sleeping and you will always feel like you are on the edge.

When there is a serious cortisol disruption, you will have a high cortisol level during the morning but this will suddenly fall after lunch. It will result in exhaustion and afternoon fog. They may also wake up while sleeping and fail to fall asleep throughout the night.

During complete burnout, you will feel like a pregnant woman or the time when a new-born baby is present in the house. You do not know how much sleep is required since you are always tired. Your cortisol patterns are fully disrupted and you are at risk of autoimmune diseases, gut issues, and thyroid diseases.

Generally, when you are going through emotional stress emerging from breakup, death, unemployment or even positive stress like getting married or getting pregnant, it leads to adrenal fatigue. Processed food can also result in chronic inflammation, sleep deficiency, and gut issues which can result in stress.

When you are under stress, then cortisol is released. But staying under constant stress will elevate cortisol to such a major degree that it will be too much to take in. For women, this results in painful PMS, irregular periods, gaining weight and thinning of hair. Even when you are forcing ‘healthy’ habits like eating less or skipping meals, or when you are working hard and thus depriving yourself of sleep, you will experience burnouts.

However, there are ways to reverse the burnout:

Get a saliva test to check your cortisol level. It should be high during the morning but it should lower at night.

You should maintain a schedule every day right from waking up, to sleeping. Try having a 4-hour gap between meals.

Add more vegetables into your diet which are organic. Add coconut or olive oil, sea salt, and probiotics. Avoid gluten, white sugar, and coffee.

Have probiotic food to aid digestion.
Start using adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, holy basil, maca, and licorice root to lower stress levels.

Try to calm your mind before sleeping by meditation or yoga and then sleep well.
Start taking useful supplements like Vitamins B and C, Tulsi, blood sugar support, etc. to help with your health and stress levels.

If you can lower your stress and relax a bit then it will be much easier for you to deal with burnouts. So, start having your beauty sleep and de-stress yourself.

Prepare your Chia Water the right way to lose weight quickly and naturally!

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to lose weight. Chia water is one of those natural ingredients that can help you achieve the desired results, but only if prepared properly.

How to use Chia water to lose weight?
Chia seeds are ought to be eaten on an empty stomach. They are to be taken 30 minutes before each meal. 2 to 4 tablespoons of Chia seeds a day are enough to help you reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, lower glucose, and control the blood pressure. After a couple of weeks, you have to reduce the dose to 1 spoonful daily.

How to prepare Chia seeds?
Put the seeds in filtered water and let them stay for 15 minutes. The water should cover the seeds completely and after a gelatinous substance is formed, the seeds and the water are ready to be consumed.
Chia and lemon to burn the accumulated fat
Both lemons and chia seeds are quite beneficial for our overall health. Here we offer a recipe that can help you use this combination in the right way.

  •  Juice of a lemon
  • -1 tablespoon of honey
  • -1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • -1 glass and ½ water
  • -They are rich in proteins, omega 3 fatty acids, and calcium.
  • -They are considered to be natural antioxidants.
  • -They help eliminate toxins as they are an excellent source of fibers.
  • -They can be used in various combinations.
  • -Acts as bactericide.
  • -It is a powerful toxin scavenger.
  • -It has very few calories.
  • -It is rich in miners and vitamins.
  • -It lowers the blood sugar levels.
  • -Its alkalizing effects balance the pH.
  • -It helps treating colds and the flu.

Method of preparation:
-Let the Chia seeds soak in water for at least an hour. Due to the soluble fiber they contain, they will hydrate and obtain a gel aspect.
– Mix the Chia seeds and the water with fresh lemon juice.
-You can also use a blender.
How to use it
Drink the mixture every day in the morning. It will help you lose weight effectively as it accelerates the metabolism.
Benefits of chia seed:
Benefits of lemon:
Don’t forget that even if some diets and remedies can help you lose weight, it’s best to opt for regular physical activity to enhance the effects.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


How much calories do you consume daily? And do you know how much of the consumed are actually used?

There is an effective product that can help you lose your body fat. This product is coconut oil. It is known as a saturated fatty oil or edible oil that is attained from the meat of matured coconuts.


Here are some methods that can help you lose weight using coconut oil:

Use extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil. Take one tablespoon of coconut oil twice daily around meal times. Also, you can take it immediately after dinner. Coconut oil can be used as an olive oil substitute.

In a mug with hot water or herbal tea add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. Stir well and drink it regularly.

In a glass pour some lem

on juice and add a teaspoon of organic coconut oil and some fresh water. Then, fill the glass with warm water and stir well. Drink it slowly early in the morning. Do this every day.

In a glass mix 2 tablespoons of green tea leaves, hot water and coconut oil. Let it steep for a few minutes and strain the mixture. Drink it slowly and regularly.

You can add a couple tablespoons of coconut oil in your smoothies, protein shakes, fruit juices, apple sauce, yogurt, or cottage cheese after you melt it. Also, you can mix extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil in equal amounts as a dressing. Spread the resulting solution on toast and add some cinnamon powder and honey.

Recipe for Coconut Smoothie

Needed ingredients:

14 ounces of fresh or canned coconut milk

Half a teaspoon of coconut oil

7 ounces of water

Put the ingredients in a blender and add 2 handfuls of cherries or a cup of blueberries. Blend until it mixes properly. You can add Stevia. Drink the smoothie regularly.

What is the right coconut oil dosage for weight loss?

At the beginning, use 1 – 2 tablespoons of oil in your diet, and then slowly increase to 5 – 6 tablespoons. The dosage of coconut oil for weight loss varies from one person to another.

For 90 – 130 lbs, use one tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal for a total of 3 tablespoons daily.

For 131 – 180 lbs, use one and a half tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal for a total of 4.5 tablespoons daily.

For above 180 lbs, use 2 tablespoons of coconut oil before each meal for total of 6 teaspoon daily.

What is the best time to take this coconut oil for weight loss?

15 – 20 minutes before taking meals is considered the best time to take coconut oil. It will help you reduce your appetite, and make sure to melt it to its liquid form before consumption.


People who are suffering from a thyroid problem can’t lose weight, even if they are trying hard. Unsaturated oils stop the protein digestion in the stomach and leave these people malnourished, even if they are eating healthy and nutritious food.

Coconut oil is not an unsaturated fat and it helps the thyroid gland to function properly. Also it helps the people to achieve their desired weight. Coconut oil boosts the metabolism that supports weight loss.

Consume a teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil and slowly increase the quantity. Consume about 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Get all the benefits by replacing unhealthy oil virgin oil with virgin coconut oil.

Coconut oil helps you achieve the desired weight by switching your body easily to fat – burning mode. It includes 3 important fatty acids: lauric acid, caprilic acid and capric acid.


Rarely anyone can resist eating late at night and this usually leads to putting on some pounds and gaining fat faster than usually. So why don’t you give a try to this incredible evening drink, reduce excess belly fat and promote healthy fat burning process. This drink has refreshing taste and it is greatly beneficial for reducing your waistline as well.

If you feel like you can’t resist the temptation to eat something and can’t control your food cravings, then immediately prepare this incredible drink and help your body get rid of fat, flush out toxins and lose abdominal fat.

Evening is that part of the day when you should avoid eating or at least limit the amount of consumed food. Most of the people can’t help themselves eating late an night and despite the advice, they open the fridge or order some food. That is why it is recommended to take this drink in the evening if you feel cravings for food or sugar.

This drink consists of healthy ingredients that combine vitamin C and enzymes which function in synergy to make you much thinner, reduce waist size fast and burn fat most efficiently.

It will assist in obtaining all necessary nutrients, increase metabolism, improve digestion, suppress appetite, enhance fat metabolism and prevent the storing of additional fat in the body. It will also improve your overall health and offer full liver detox by eliminating accumulated toxins in the system. That way you will not only burn calories but burn belly fat as well.

Try this slimming evening drink, get fresh look of your body and help yourself stay away from the fridge late at night.


• 1 lemon

• 1 tbs. ginger

• 3 cups water


Squeeze the lemon, add the ginger and water, stir well and let it stay for 15 minutes before consuming it. Add some ice cubes if you want or drink it the way it is.

7 Stretches in 7 Minutes To Eliminate Back Pain

About 80 percent of adults suffer from low back pain at some point in their lifetimes.  In general, back pain can affect people of any age, but it is significantly more common among adults aged between 35 and 55 years. According to experts, back pain is associated with the way our bones, muscles and ligaments in our backs function together.

Fortunately, in just seven minutes, you can do seven stretches that will relieve your back pain and help you feel much better in short time.


Lie on your back and fully stretch your legs. Flex your right knee and put your hands on your calf. Pull your knee gently into your chest and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Gently move down your right leg back to the floor. Repeat the same with your left side.


Tight hips can often be the cause of your back pain. This lunge stretches out your hip flexors.

Step your right foot forward and lower your left knee to the floor in a lunge position. Your left leg should be pulled properly far back. Hold for 30 seconds and go back to your starting position. Repeat the same on the other side, hold for 30 seconds.


Return to a prone position on your back. Flex your right knee, keeping your right foot horizontally on the ground. Bring your left knee up to your chest and stretch out your ankle across the knee, allowing your left knee fall out to the side. Stay in this position for 30 seconds, change sides, and hold for 30 seconds.


While still on your back, bend your right knee and press your right foot into the floor. Place your hands on the back of your leg, gripping just above your knee. Lift your left leg as high as you can. Hold for 30 seconds. Put your left leg down and repeat on the opposite side.


This is an excellent stretch for intense lower back pain. Lie on your back with both of your knees flexed and both of your knees on the floor. Cross the right leg over the left leg and move both legs to the left side. Turn and look out to the right. Return your legs back to starting position and repeat on the other side.


This stretch will help you eliminate the extra tension in your back. Put a chair in your hip height in front of you. Put your hands on it and slightly back up. Slowly bend over, allowing your head to drop between your arms and letting your back to turn down. Hold for one full minute.


When not properly stretched, your quads can transfer tension to your back. Lie down on your right side. Flex your knee, make sure your knees are touching. Reach back with your left hand and grasp your left ankle, slightly lifting up to stretch your quad. Change sides after 30 seconds and repeat the exercise.

7 Early Warning Signs Of Heart Attack You Shouldn’t Ignore

Strong pressure in the chest is the most common symptom of a heart attack, and it terrifies everyone. However, not many people know that a third of all patients who have suffered a heart attack did not feel pressure in their chest at all.

If you manage to recognize the signals your body sends you, you would get 2 extra hours.

Some heart attacks are sudden and strong, while others start off slowly, with a mild pain and discomfort.

Usually people are not aware of what is happening to them, so they postpone the visit to their doctor.

Discomfort in chest

Most cases of heart attack involve pain and discomfort in the chest. This lasts for several minutes or reoccurs several times. The symptoms include huge pressure and pain.

Discomfort in the upper part of the body

Pain and discomfort may appear in one (usually the left) or both arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. Pain in the back or jar is more common in women.

Difficulty breathing

This sign may occur alone or along with some sort of discomfort in the chest. In moments like this, you should wonder if there is any real reason for this. If you cannot answer your question, do not hesitate and visit your doctor immediately.

Excessive sweating

Cold sweat is a clear indicator that something is wrong. Do not put your life at a risk, and call an ambulance.

Nausea and dizziness

Common symptoms accompanied with unexplainable fatigue should tell you that something wrong is happening in your body. Something is definitely happening, so you better call your doctor.

Swollen feet

In case your feet joints are too swollen, you probably have problem with fluid retention in the body, which can be an early sign of heart disease. It occurs when your heart does not pump strongly enough, and as a result of that, the blood does not purify the toxic elements from the tissues. This condition is called edema, and usually occurs in the feet, toes, arms and legs.

Irregular Heartbeats

Irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, is a feeling when your heart beats too fast, pounding too hard or even skips a beat.

Consider calling an ambulance instead of driving yourself. The emergency team will arrive much faster, and you will get some help sooner than you think.