Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thyroid Disorder: Signs and symptoms !

The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. It’s one of the main glands in the body as it produces vital hormones that control the speed of the metabolism and a lot more. Conditions that can appear when having a thyroid problems, are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism- depending on whether the thyroid gland produces high or low amount of hormones.

The following are the most common signs and symptoms of a thyroid disorder:
Increase or decrease of weight.

A sudden and unexpected change in the weight is one of the most common signs of a thyroid disorder. Patients with hypothyroidism (reduced hormone production) gain weight. In contrast, weight loss is specific for hyperthyroidism.
  • Swelling of the neck
This symptom may occur in both disorders. It may indicate lumps in the thyroid gland, thyroid nodules or cancer.
  • Changes in heart rate
As previously mentioned, hormones produced by the thyroid gland are vital for our bodies. They affect almost every organ, even the heart. People with hypothyroidism may notice a slower heart rhythm than usual; for hyperthyroidism it’s vice versa – rapid heartbeat. A change in the heart rate can also be accompanied by increased blood pressure as well.

  • Changes in mood and energy
  • Increased sensitivity to cold or hot

People with hypothyroidism often feel week, tired, sleepy and depressed. On the other hand, those with hyperthyroidism feel restlessness, anxiety, irritability, and have trouble sleeping.
The ability to regulate body temperature may be impaired by the changes in the production of thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism makes people often feel cold and with hyperthyroidism, there usually is abnormal, excessive sweating.
If you notice any of the previously mentioned symptoms and suspect that you have a problem with the thyroid gland, schedule a review and make all the necessary tests.

9 tips on using coconut oil to look younger!

Coconut oil has been one of the leading products people use, regarding skin care and health. Thus, let’s take a look at 9 ways you can use coconut oil to look younger and become healthier!

The coconut oil is a great cuticle softener. Massage your nails with coconut oil whenever you can. The results will speak for themselves.
To make your skin softer and more flexible, all you have to do is use the coconut oil as an overnight skin moisturizer. It’s especially recommended for people with dry skin.
According to anecdotal reports,massaging varicose veins with coconut oil is one of the best methods to treat the condition naturally.
Preventing and treating cellulite is quite difficult and women are often faced with this challenge. This cream will definitely reduce it in a natural way.
Instead of spending money on costly beauty products and makeup removers, you can use the coconut oil  to efficiently remove eye makeup and dissolve mascara, while moisturizing you skin along the way.
Using coconut oil as a hand cream will help you with dry skin, especially in the winter. It will furthermore, make it smoother and softer.
Eye make up and mascara can cause breakage and hair loss over time, if it’s used on a daily basis. That’s why applying some coconut oil on the lashes before going to bed can help them appear more natural.
Coconut pol has a pleasant smell and is antimicrobial. Thus, instead of using expensive chemical-loaded shaving creams you can use  coconut oil. It will hydrate your skin as well!
Replace the regular hand soap with a completely natural homemade one! Your skin will appreciate it!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Lose 15 lbs. with this awesome one-week diet plan!

Losing weight naturally isn’t an old wive’s tale. All you need to do is find a diet that fits your schedule and needs best.

Few Diet Rules:
  • Don’t skip breakfast – it’s the most important meal of the day!
  • Avoid too much caffeine, soft drinks and foods that are abundant in sugar
  • Try not to eat after 8 pm.
    The Health Benefits of the Diet:
    This diet is abundant in veggies, water, and fruits. Thus, it will improve your bowel movement and help you lose weight naturally.
    The One-Week Diet
    Day 1- Fruit day
    Eat as much as fruit as you can throughout the entire day. Opt for apples, papayas, pineapples etc. The only fruit you should avoid is the banana.
    Day 2- Veggie day
    The veggie day allows you to eat as much vegetables as you want. It’s best to begin the day with some cooked potatoes, so the carbs can break down during the day. Opt for veggies that are rich in fiber such as beans and broccoli. You can cook them as you please.
    Day 3- Fruit and veggie day
    Combine the foods from day 1 and 2. Avoid potatoes and bananas.
    Day 4- Milk and banana day
    Bananas and milk only! You can drink up to 3 glasses of milk and eat up to 10 bananas.
    Day 5- Feast day
    It is advisable to eat lean mean on the 5th day. Fish fillets, lean chicken and tomatoes are the way to go . Drink more water as to remove the uric acid that the body produces when eating meat.
    Day 6- Red meat and veggies
    On this day, you can eat as much veggies as you want. Eat some cooked read meat of your choice for lunch.
    Day 7- Rice and veggies
    Cooked brown rice with steamed veggies of your choosing is the advisable option. You can go for fresh veggie and fruit juices and you’re allowed to eat only one potato on this day.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Drinking a mixture of coconut oil, ginger and turmeric one hour before bed will do wonders for your digestive tract!

If you’re prone to having heavy meals in the evening than you’re likely to experience an upset stomach and poor digestion. These seemingly superficial problems can lead to heartburn, interrupted sleep and acid reflux.

However, there is a mixture than can help you treat this issue naturally. The mixture of coconut oil, ginger and turmeric can stimulate digestion and get you back on track.
The coconut oil is antimicrobial because it’s rich with healthy fats that prevent digestive problems and stomachaches caused by bacteria.
The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of the turmeric are essential for preventing ulcers and problems linked to digestive tract lining.

  • Provides anti-inflammatory properties
  • Detoxifies the body by improving the liver function and bile flow
  • Boosts blood circulation
  • Soothes the digestive tract
  • Reduces pain and fever
  • Boosts blood circulation and thins the blood
  • Prevents ulcers
This remedy uses black pepper and honey as well which help absorbing curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric. Needless to say, honey is rich with minerals, enzymes, amino acids and vitamins, which reduces the irritation and improves digestion.
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1-inch piece of sliced ginger/ 1 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon organic honey
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
Preparation method
Mix turmeric, ginger, coconut oil and black pepper in a bowl. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and put in on the stove. After heating it for 5 minutes, add the honey.

Monday, April 15, 2019

This woman drinks 3 liters of water a day and said goodbye to headaches and poor digestion!

After years of headaches and poor digestion, a neurologist and nutritionist advised Sara to drink three liters of water a day to help the body function better.

Sara usually started her day with a cup of tea, and she would drink water with lunch and dinner – one liter a day.

Then she found out that every fifth woman did not drink enough water, she decided to do an experiment and, within four weeks, introduced the recommended amount to see what would happen.
She described her experience to the Daily Mail:

Three liters of water sounds a lot, so she consulted with a general practitioner whether a sudden increase in water intake would have any health consequences. The practitioner encouraged her to drink one liter in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening.

– Your kidneys, which filter wastes from the blood before they turn them into urine, will quickly feel the benefit of this experiment – said the doctor.
During the experiment she was being photographed every day. At the beginning, she admits, she looked like she was 52 years old, that’s 10 years more than her actual age. She had dark circles around her eyes, which made her look exhausted, prominent wrinkles, red spots, and the skin was shiny.

Even her lips showed a classic sign of poor hydration. Each system and functions in our body depends on water. It flushes toxins from vital organs, transfers nutrients to cells, ensures a damp environment for the ears, nose and throat,and releases waste.
If you don’t drink enough water, you weaken the body. So she chose to drink three liters of water a day for 28 days , and the results were astounding.
After the end of the second week she noticed she hadn’t experienced any headaches during the last week and her digestion was boosted. After the 4 weeks, her face looked completely different. She looked like another woman. The dark circles around the eyes were completely gone, as was redness. Her skin became smooth almost as if she were a child.
She also felt healthier and skinnier which is unbelievable because she did not change anything in her routine except the amount of water she was drinking. Sara advises that everyone should try it –  after consulting a doctor!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

33 unanticipated health benefits of banana flowers!

If you want to be healthy you have to include vegetables in your diet. All of them bring about different health benefits and the banana flowers is definitely one of those who can offer more than a few. Thus, it is often a part of every healthy diet.

Nutritional content of banana flowers in 100 g:
  • 51 kcal
  • 6 g Fat
  • 6 g Protein
  • 1, 07 mg Vitamin E
  • 3 mg Phosphorus
  • 7 mg of Fiber
  • 9 g Carbohydrates
  • 4 mg Iron
  • 7 mg of Magnesium
  • 56 mg Calcium
  • 3 mg Potassium
  • 7 mg of Magnesium
  • 13 mg Copper
Additionally, banana flowers contain vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Because of its nutritional content, there is always a way to make sure it stays as a viable part in your kitchen.
The 33 health benefits of banana flowers:
  1. Proteins
Banana flowers contain a high amount of protein, thus, making them capable of helping in cell formation and regeneration. Furthermore, you’ll be able to enlarge the muscle mass in your body as well.
  1. Fat content
The fat in banana flowers can help the process of cell wall thickening and cell formation. If you’re in a situation where you’re struggling with losing weight, banana flowers will prove to be quite helpful.
  1. Adding calories to body energy
In the process of burning energy, the body uses a lot of calories ( the daily energy need is 2200 calories). A banana flower is enough to meet the number of calories your body need to go about the day..
  1. Increases the amount of hemoglobin
HB deficiency can be a real problem and it usually causes the body to become weak and pale as the body cells oxygen income is reduced. The iron in banana flowers can increase the production of HB and give you the energy you need.

  1. Accelerate the process of wound healing after surgery
  1. Overcoming obesity
  1. Nourish the heart
  1. Prevent brain and breast cancer
  1. Activate important hormones
  1. Increase appetite
  1. Improving the mood
  1. Ward off free radical attacks
  1. Overcoming the problem of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  1. Overcoming the problem of neurological disorders
  1. Nourish a woman’s uterus

Wounds after surgery need a longer period of time to head and they can be incredibly troublesome and cause additional complication if someone is suffering from diabetes of a blood clotting disorder. To speed up the healing process of post-operative wounds, try eating more banana flowers.
A lot of people nowadays are struggling with obesity. Being obese is no joke as it can lead to a lot of serious conditions and illnesses. If you want to avoid the health risks of obesity, you should definitely try to lose some weight- banana flowers will help you do that too!
Due to the fact that banana flowers have high HDL fat content, it can easily ward off LD fat that causes several heart disorders.
Banana flowers can prevent both brain and breast cancer because it contains a lot of good nutritional content for the body.
Hormones are essential for the well-being of our bodies. Dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, and thyroid can be stimulated by banana flowers.
Improving your nutrition is important. Apart from people who are trying to lose weight, there are some of them that are trying to put some weight on. According to some, banana flowers can increase the appetite as well.
Banana flowers as stated above are rich in magnesium. This nutrient helps improve the mood and reduce the stress naturally. So, instead of using different drugs to treat depression, try banana flowers.
12. Treat and prevent constipation
Much like the papaya, this vegetable has a high amount of fiber content. This will smooth the digestive tract, prevent and resolve problems with constipation easily.
The insoluble fiber actually helps improve the bower movement and clear the toxins from the colon, while maintaining normal levels of pH. This will also prevent the risk of colon cancer as well.
The soluble fiber in banana flowers slow down the process of emptying the stomach. Thus, it will make you feel full longer and keep your appetite in check.
13. Overcome diabetes
People with diabetes have to be keep the intake of sugar in check. A study confirmed that banana flowers decreased the insulin levels in such patients, if they eat at least one banana flower a day.
14. Prevent infection and inflammation
Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, banana flowers can ward off health problems like fungal infections, ulcer diseases, arthritis and other infections and inflammations in the body. In 2010, a study was published in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research” proved that this vegetable prevents infection and thus speeds up the process of healing. A study published in “Research Parasitology” in 2011 proved that banana flowers inhibit the growth of “malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum in vitro” thanks to the amount of ethyl acetate extracts in them.
15. Lose weight
Banana flowers prevent you from overeating, helping you get rid of the snacking habits and supporting your diet due to the fiber it contains.
16. Overcoming anemia
Banana flowers have a fairly high iron content that helps the production of red blood cells in the body. Anemia is a serious condition – the body can’t produce sufficient amount of red blood cells, which are responsible for giving oxygen to the rest of the body’s cells. In such cases, the body is desperate for iron and the banana flowers will help it start up the production of red blood cells.
Banana flowers contain methanol extract – an important antioxidant in the body. It wards off free radical attack and thus, prevents cancer, premature aging etc.
18. Reduces bleeding during menstruation
Yoghurt and banana flowers can increase the level of progesterone in the body, which will furthermore prevent excessive bleeding during menstruation. They are also believed to be able to overcome the problem of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
19. Overcoming high cholesterol
Fiber in banana flowers and the fact that are low fat allow them to fight of high level of cholesterols. The contents in this vegetable bind with cholesterol and thus the body can easily throw them out.
20. Prevent Aging
This vegetable repairs cell damage and prevent free radical attacks thanks to its content of flavonoids and antioxidant. Additionally, they relieve stress and slow down the aging process.
Banana flowers can prevent various symptoms from appearing regarding the premenstrual syndrome. For getting best results, you need to combine the banana flower with yoghurt, as it is a probiotic. The yoghurt will sooth the digestive tract and the banana flowers will prevent flatulence
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are quite common. Both diseases arise are mainly causes because of the impact of dangerous free radicals. The antioxidants in banana flowers serves to ward off free radical attacks, thus preventing these diseases.
23. Overcoming irregular menstruation
If you have irregular menstruation, then try getting the cycle back on track by eating banana flowers. The contents of these vegetable are said to affect the hormones in the body in a positive way.
This vegetable contains important minerals such as calcium, copper, and iron. They will strengthen the uterine wall and prevent infections in the uterus.
25. Smooth blood cycle– the anticoagulant properties prevent the occurrence of blood clots.
26. Prevent mumps– because of iodine.
27. Strengthens teeth and gums
28. Treating dizziness
29. Improve memory
30. Avoid osteoporosis
31. Treating malaria
32. Overcoming nausea
33. Boost immunity

The benefits of banana flowers are more than you can imagine, so don’t forget to make it a part of your everyday diet!

A Peel of Lemon Can Remove Joint Pain Forever

One of the most common health problems nowadays is definitely joint pain. Various problems can cause it like injuries in the bones, ligaments and cartilage around the joints. If you’re experiencing joint pain, you’ll notice various symptoms:  swelling, warmth, weakness, redness, limping, tenderness, and loss of range of motion of the joint.

Joint pain can be extremely difficult as it becomes unbearable after a while and patients try various medicines just to get rid of it. Luckily, here, we’re going to present you something natural that will help you relieve that pain. It’s extremely simple and you probably have all the ingredients at home!
Lemon is a fruit abundant in minerals and vitamins like vitamin A, B6, C, B1, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, pectin, magnesium etc. Numerous people use only the fruit, but they aren’t aware that also the lemon peel is abundant in various health benefits!
Lemon peel contains some very powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They’re excellent for the soothing of your nerve pain as well as for the improvement of the health of your blood vessels. It is also an extremely effective way that can help you relieve joint pain.
Here, we’re presenting you 2 ways that use lemon peels to help you against joint pain!
First, grate the lemon peel, but be careful! Grate the yellow part only! Put the lemon peel on the areas where you feel joint pain and put a bandage over them. Leave it to rest like that for several hours. You’ll be amazed by the results!

Here’s another recipe:
  • Two lemons (try to buy organic lemons)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Eucalyptus leaves

Just peel the lemon and keep the peels in a glass jar. Make sure you cover them with the extra virgin olive oil completely. Put the eucalyptus leaves in the end. Close the jar well and leave it to rest like that for 2 weeks. When this period passes, you can use the mixture. Dip a gauze in it and put it over the painful area. Cover it with a bandage.
You’ll acquire the best results if you do this before you go to bed every night. The natural remedy will have more time to act and you won’t move!
Try them out today! You’ll really be amazed by how a natural remedy can help you that much!

The amazing turmeric mask for healthier and glowing skin!

Turmeric is a super-spice that has been used to treat various skin problems for centuries. Regular use of turmeric can give you a glowing, problem-free skin. A turmeric face mask can free your skin from impurities, remove dead skin cells and maintain the natural pH balance, giving your skin a healthy glow.
After 20 minutes, the turmeric applied on the skin gets absorbed into the blood stream, which means it can do wonders for our complexion. To improve your skin’s quality and enhance your beauty try this turmeric face mask.
  • 2 tbsp. of flour
  • 1 tbsp. of turmeric
Method of preparation:

Mix the two ingredients and add some water to create a paste. Apply the paste on your face and rub it in for 2 minutes. Rinse with water.
You can add some a few drops of lime, lavender blossom, and some coriander powder if you have oily skin. People with dry skin can add elderly blossom and those with normal skin can add some rose powder for an extra glow.
It’s best to apply the turmeric mask before taking a shower, so you can easily remove yellow stains from the turmeric.

How Much Could You Extend Your Life By Running 5 Minutes A Day?

According to newest studies, running for only 5 minutes per day reduces the risk of premature death and serious ailments. The research showed that even slow, but intense running can significantly improve your overall health. In the last couple of years, experts have begun recommending moderate exercise such as fast walking or jogging as the best way of staying in shape and preventing a host of health problems. At the same time, the research showed that this type of exercise can also improve your longevity.

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology conducted by the South Carolina and Iowa Universities examined thousands of men and women who filled out questionnaires about their activity levels and how often and fast they run. The database had records for more than 55 000 men and women aged 18-70 who visited the clinics for 15 years before the study was conducted. 24% of the participants were runners with variable length and speed of running. When the results were compared to the mortality rate, they showed that nearly 3500 people died from a heart attack during the same time. Most of these people didn’t run, and the risk was 30% reduced in runners. Further comparisons with smokers and overweight people only confirmed that the running group was at significantly reduced risk of a heart attack.

Only 5 minutes of running per day reduces the risk of death

Compared to non-runners, runners live 3-5 years longer on average. Most people enjoy the benefits of running no matter the length – the risk of death was reduced no matter if they ran for 10-15 minutes or 150 minutes per week. The findings are pretty motivating for people who don’t have the time to hit the gym or run longer than 10 minutes per day.
As the studies showed, running may actually be the key for improved longevity. Of course, people suffering from certain health problems should consult a doctor before starting with the training. Experts recommend adding a bit of physical activity in your daily routine to stay in shape. Besides making you feel better, running will promote weight loss as well, in that way preventing a host of ailments.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Get rid of your pimples overnight with these 14 natural remedies!

Pimples are real mood spoilers. Luckily, there are numerous natural ways to get rid of them fast and easy.

Tea tree oil
This oil destroys bacteria due to its antibacterial properties. Additionally, it unclogs pores, eliminates dead cells, and treats inflammation and redness. Add a drop of tea tree oil to 9 drops of water and apply it on pimples and wash it off after 20 minutes.
You can also mix the oil with aloe Vera gel. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse.
Baking soda
A remedy that’s as versatile as it gets. It’s great for sensitive skin and can efficiently remove pimples as well. Prepare a paste with baking soda and a few drops of water. Apply it on a washed face. Let is stay for 30-40 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Apply a moisturizing cream afterwards!
Cucumbers are rich in minerals and vitamins C, A, E. Plus, they have a soothing effect on the skin! Soak some cut cucumbers in water for an hour – strain the water and use it to wash you face.
You can also try a cucumber mask ( grind a cool cucumber ). Let it dry on the skin and rinse with lukewarm water. This mask will clean the dirt and remove pimples with ease.
Orange peel
It’s known as the perfect acne remedy as the amount of vitamin C and the acidity can get rid of pimples and acne fast and easy. All you need to do is rub some orange peel on problematic areas. Don’t use the same peel for all pimples as it can transmit the infection and make them look worse. You can also apply some orange juice with a cotton ball on the pimples. Leave it for 15-30 minutes before washing it off.

The cooling effect will relieve the irritation and redness and its antiviral and antibacterial properties will prevent the pimples from appearing.
Crush the peppermint leaves and use the juice to apply in on the problematic areas. Wash it off after 10 minutes with cold water. You can also use peppermint oil- apply 2-3 drops on the pimples, rub for several minutes and rinse with water.
Make sure you use a while, not a gel-based toothpaste. This method is pretty simple – all you need to do is apply some toothpaste on the pimples and let it act overnight.
Lemon juice
This juice reduces swellings and treats inflammation. Apply it on the pimples with a cotton swab an hour before going to sleep. After the hour has passed, wash it off and apply moisturizing cream.
Wrap up an ice in 3D shape in a cloth and keep it over the pimples for a few minutes. You can also use aluminum foil and place them in Ziplock pack. In this case, you can apply it directly on the pimples.
Honey destroys bacteria, supports the skin’s health and hydrates the skin. Apply some honey on the pimples and leave it for an hour. Wash it off with warm water.
Crush a few tables of aspirin and add a few drops of water. Apply the paste directly on the pimples and leave it for a few minutes after washing. This will reduce the swelling and treat the inflammation. If you leave the paste overnight, it will shrink the pimples and make them less noticeable.
Cinnamon and honey
To prepare a paste, mix cinnamon and honey in equal amounts. Apply the paste on the pimples and let it stay overnight. Wash it off in the morning.
Green tea
Due to its richness in antioxidants, green tea can also treat acne and pimples. It prevents the growth of bacteria and treats inflammation.
Add a few green tea bags or green tea leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let it cool and wash your face with it. You can apply cool green tea directly on pimples with a cotton ball. Wash it off after 10-15 minutes.
Garlic needs to be diluted before use. Add a few drops of water into the juice of few fresh garlic cloves. You can mash several garlic cloves in water and leaven them to soak for 15 minutes. Add some aloe Vera gel and apply the mixture on the pimples.
Steaming opens pores and helps eliminate dirt from them, bacteria etc. Find a suitable container and fill it with boiling water. The steam will open the pores on you face. After a while, wash the face with lukewarm water and don’t forget to apply some moisturizing cream.

Avoid surgery and improve your vision with this natural remedy!

Cataract is a condition that is usually associated with old age. It’s one of the main reasons for blindness and it has also been related with many other conditions, such as depression. Genetics, diabetes, eye inflammation, and smoking are considered to be the most common risk factors for this condition.

People suffering from it usually remove it with surgery, however, there is a natural way to do the same thing. It includes spinach, carrots, and other nutrients that can improve your eyesight.
Spinach provides vitamin A – an essential nutrient for the eyes. Vitamin E and C prevent macular degeneration and stop the formation of cataract. All of these vitamins can be also found in most citrus fruits. Blueberries and blackberries are also beneficial as they are rich in antioxidants that protect the retina from damage and improve the condition of the blood vessels in the eyes.

In a case of cataract, it is advisable to avoid saturated fats and dairy products. If the cataract has not fully developed yet, you could benefit from Eyebright drops.
The following recipe is a natural remedy that can boost the eyesight and prevent the development of cataract.
  • 4 cups of raspberry leaves
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 cup of rose petals
Method of preparation:
Add the ingredients to boiling water and simmer for a few minutes. Let it cool down, strain and rinse your eyes with the mixtures every day.

You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or You’re Not Sleeping Well!

The adrenal glands can affect the state of your hair, nails and sleep. The endocrine glands (adrenal glands) sit at the top of the kidneys and are responsible for numerous hormones. They regulate your blood pressure, accelerate your metabolism and regulate its rate and are very important for your overall health.

Then they are released properly, we can deal with stress better, but if their production is somehow obstructed, your overall health will suffer as a result.
uckily, there is an easy way to restore the function of your adrenal glands naturally – here’s what you need to do:


Dry parsley leaves Raisins

  • Ground ginger
  • Organic honey


Mix the Brazilian nuts and parsley leaves in a blender, then add the other ingredients and mix until you get a homogenous mixture.

Take 2 tablespoons of the remedy 2-3 times a week in the morning before breakfast to boost your adrenal glands’ function. The results will be notice in just a short time – you will sleep better, your hair will look healthier and your nails will become stronger. Try the remedy yourself and you will be amaze by the results.

Remove brown spots from your skin with this simple ingredient!

Liver spots, more commonly known as age spots, are brown or black spots that appear on the skin. They usually appear on the hands, face, arms and shoulders, in short, areas that get sun exposure the most. These spots are associated with people over the age of 50, but they’re not uncommon with young adults as well -especially those who spend a lot of time in the sun.

What Causes Age Spots?

These spots are caused by long periods of exposure to ultraviolet light and using tanning beds can also be the reason for their appearance. The production of melanin (the pigment that determines your skin colour) can be accelerated when the UV light comes in contact with the skin. This creates a tan that helps protect the deeper layers. This is why frequent and prolonged sun exposure can cause age spots.
The real question is: What’s the best defense against these spots? Well, proper sun protection. People with fair skin are more likely to get age spots.

Age spots are harmless; thus, if you notice any of the following changes, make sure you check in with a health care professional:
-irregular borders
-the spots are itchy, there is redness, bleeding or tenderness.
-unusual combination of colours
-rapidly increase in size
-darkly pigmented

Home Remedy for Age Spots

Laser therapy, freezing, bleaching creams, chemical peels and abrasion are some of the methods that are used to get rid of age spots. However, there is a natural alternative as well. Dr. Doug Willen, author of Quantum Paleo, recommends  onion juice mixed with apple cider vinegar. Onions are rich in antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. The apple cider vinegar contains alpha hydroxy acids that help the body get rid of dead skin.
Here’s how to do it:
Dice one fresh onion and pulverize it using a pestle and a mortar. Put it in a blender and the apple cider vinegar. Apply the remedy on the spots with a cotton ball.

8 Wondrous Plants to Keep Mosquitoes Away!

Enjoying the summer and sitting on your porch in the hot nights can be pleasant except for one thing – mosquitoes. We just hate mosquitoes – the buzzing sound they make and their irritating bites are just about enough to ruin your evening, which is why many people are looking for a way to get rid of them.

However, repelling mosquitoes is easier said than done. Most store-bought repellents don’t work, and even some of the natural solutions are not effective. So, is there a solution? Do we just suffer in silence? Well, no. There is actually a way to repel mosquitoes effectively and prevent their nasty bites. Continue reading the article below to learn of 8 plants that can keep mosquitoes away.
Besides keeping the mosquitoes farther away from your body, these plants will fit just right in your home and clean the air of toxins as well. Here’s a list of the top 8 plants that can repel mosquitoes better than anything else:


People have been using lavender to get a good night sleep for a long time, but as it turns out, the plant can also repel mosquitoes. It has a pleasant scent that will keep most bugs away from your home. You can also put dried lavender in your drawers to repel moths and prevent them from destroying your clothes.


Yes, we know it has a pungent smell, but garlic is a great insect repellent that works against bugs better than anything else. Just put a garlic clove or two in your rooms and you can say goodbye to mosquitoes and other bugs.

Lemon balm

Lemon balm has a pleasant scent with a nice minty tinge that will keep most pests away. You can put a few sprigs of lemon balm in your home, or just rub the plant on your arms and legs to prevent the mosquitoes from biting. The plant is easy to maintain as it’s pretty resistant to drought, so you won’t have to pay special attention to it. However, if planting it in your garden, make sure to keep an eye on it. Lemon balm is pretty invasive, and can easily suffocate the other plants in your garden.


Besides the nice minty scent, peppermint will also keep various bugs away from your home. According to one study, the plant is also effective against mice, which is a great bonus.


Marigold is a gorgeous flower and can also keep mosquitoes at bay. According to a study, the oil extracted from the plant can repel mosquitoes, tomato hornworms, Mexican been beetles and squash bugs, so make sure to plant it in your garden.


Rosemary can keep mosquitoes, flies and moths away and also looks great in your home or garden. Plus, dried rosemary goes great with a huge number of meals.


Basil is often used in Italian cuisine due to its great flavor. Besides giving your pasta a nice taste, basil can also keep mosquitoes at bay. Just plant one in a pot on your balcony and you will keep any kind of bug away.


Geranium has nice looking flowers and will keep you safe from mosquitoes as well. The plant has a nice lemony scent similar to citronella, and can be easily grown at home.
As you can see, mosquitoes don’t have to be such a big problem – just put any of these plants in your home and you can say goodbye to mosquitoes.