Sunday, April 14, 2019

33 unanticipated health benefits of banana flowers!

If you want to be healthy you have to include vegetables in your diet. All of them bring about different health benefits and the banana flowers is definitely one of those who can offer more than a few. Thus, it is often a part of every healthy diet.

Nutritional content of banana flowers in 100 g:
  • 51 kcal
  • 6 g Fat
  • 6 g Protein
  • 1, 07 mg Vitamin E
  • 3 mg Phosphorus
  • 7 mg of Fiber
  • 9 g Carbohydrates
  • 4 mg Iron
  • 7 mg of Magnesium
  • 56 mg Calcium
  • 3 mg Potassium
  • 7 mg of Magnesium
  • 13 mg Copper
Additionally, banana flowers contain vitamin B1, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Because of its nutritional content, there is always a way to make sure it stays as a viable part in your kitchen.
The 33 health benefits of banana flowers:
  1. Proteins
Banana flowers contain a high amount of protein, thus, making them capable of helping in cell formation and regeneration. Furthermore, you’ll be able to enlarge the muscle mass in your body as well.
  1. Fat content
The fat in banana flowers can help the process of cell wall thickening and cell formation. If you’re in a situation where you’re struggling with losing weight, banana flowers will prove to be quite helpful.
  1. Adding calories to body energy
In the process of burning energy, the body uses a lot of calories ( the daily energy need is 2200 calories). A banana flower is enough to meet the number of calories your body need to go about the day..
  1. Increases the amount of hemoglobin
HB deficiency can be a real problem and it usually causes the body to become weak and pale as the body cells oxygen income is reduced. The iron in banana flowers can increase the production of HB and give you the energy you need.

  1. Accelerate the process of wound healing after surgery
  1. Overcoming obesity
  1. Nourish the heart
  1. Prevent brain and breast cancer
  1. Activate important hormones
  1. Increase appetite
  1. Improving the mood
  1. Ward off free radical attacks
  1. Overcoming the problem of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  1. Overcoming the problem of neurological disorders
  1. Nourish a woman’s uterus

Wounds after surgery need a longer period of time to head and they can be incredibly troublesome and cause additional complication if someone is suffering from diabetes of a blood clotting disorder. To speed up the healing process of post-operative wounds, try eating more banana flowers.
A lot of people nowadays are struggling with obesity. Being obese is no joke as it can lead to a lot of serious conditions and illnesses. If you want to avoid the health risks of obesity, you should definitely try to lose some weight- banana flowers will help you do that too!
Due to the fact that banana flowers have high HDL fat content, it can easily ward off LD fat that causes several heart disorders.
Banana flowers can prevent both brain and breast cancer because it contains a lot of good nutritional content for the body.
Hormones are essential for the well-being of our bodies. Dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, and thyroid can be stimulated by banana flowers.
Improving your nutrition is important. Apart from people who are trying to lose weight, there are some of them that are trying to put some weight on. According to some, banana flowers can increase the appetite as well.
Banana flowers as stated above are rich in magnesium. This nutrient helps improve the mood and reduce the stress naturally. So, instead of using different drugs to treat depression, try banana flowers.
12. Treat and prevent constipation
Much like the papaya, this vegetable has a high amount of fiber content. This will smooth the digestive tract, prevent and resolve problems with constipation easily.
The insoluble fiber actually helps improve the bower movement and clear the toxins from the colon, while maintaining normal levels of pH. This will also prevent the risk of colon cancer as well.
The soluble fiber in banana flowers slow down the process of emptying the stomach. Thus, it will make you feel full longer and keep your appetite in check.
13. Overcome diabetes
People with diabetes have to be keep the intake of sugar in check. A study confirmed that banana flowers decreased the insulin levels in such patients, if they eat at least one banana flower a day.
14. Prevent infection and inflammation
Due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, banana flowers can ward off health problems like fungal infections, ulcer diseases, arthritis and other infections and inflammations in the body. In 2010, a study was published in “Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research” proved that this vegetable prevents infection and thus speeds up the process of healing. A study published in “Research Parasitology” in 2011 proved that banana flowers inhibit the growth of “malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum in vitro” thanks to the amount of ethyl acetate extracts in them.
15. Lose weight
Banana flowers prevent you from overeating, helping you get rid of the snacking habits and supporting your diet due to the fiber it contains.
16. Overcoming anemia
Banana flowers have a fairly high iron content that helps the production of red blood cells in the body. Anemia is a serious condition – the body can’t produce sufficient amount of red blood cells, which are responsible for giving oxygen to the rest of the body’s cells. In such cases, the body is desperate for iron and the banana flowers will help it start up the production of red blood cells.
Banana flowers contain methanol extract – an important antioxidant in the body. It wards off free radical attack and thus, prevents cancer, premature aging etc.
18. Reduces bleeding during menstruation
Yoghurt and banana flowers can increase the level of progesterone in the body, which will furthermore prevent excessive bleeding during menstruation. They are also believed to be able to overcome the problem of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
19. Overcoming high cholesterol
Fiber in banana flowers and the fact that are low fat allow them to fight of high level of cholesterols. The contents in this vegetable bind with cholesterol and thus the body can easily throw them out.
20. Prevent Aging
This vegetable repairs cell damage and prevent free radical attacks thanks to its content of flavonoids and antioxidant. Additionally, they relieve stress and slow down the aging process.
Banana flowers can prevent various symptoms from appearing regarding the premenstrual syndrome. For getting best results, you need to combine the banana flower with yoghurt, as it is a probiotic. The yoghurt will sooth the digestive tract and the banana flowers will prevent flatulence
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are quite common. Both diseases arise are mainly causes because of the impact of dangerous free radicals. The antioxidants in banana flowers serves to ward off free radical attacks, thus preventing these diseases.
23. Overcoming irregular menstruation
If you have irregular menstruation, then try getting the cycle back on track by eating banana flowers. The contents of these vegetable are said to affect the hormones in the body in a positive way.
This vegetable contains important minerals such as calcium, copper, and iron. They will strengthen the uterine wall and prevent infections in the uterus.
25. Smooth blood cycle– the anticoagulant properties prevent the occurrence of blood clots.
26. Prevent mumps– because of iodine.
27. Strengthens teeth and gums
28. Treating dizziness
29. Improve memory
30. Avoid osteoporosis
31. Treating malaria
32. Overcoming nausea
33. Boost immunity

The benefits of banana flowers are more than you can imagine, so don’t forget to make it a part of your everyday diet!

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