Sunday, April 14, 2019

How Much Could You Extend Your Life By Running 5 Minutes A Day?

According to newest studies, running for only 5 minutes per day reduces the risk of premature death and serious ailments. The research showed that even slow, but intense running can significantly improve your overall health. In the last couple of years, experts have begun recommending moderate exercise such as fast walking or jogging as the best way of staying in shape and preventing a host of health problems. At the same time, the research showed that this type of exercise can also improve your longevity.

A study published in the American Journal of Cardiology conducted by the South Carolina and Iowa Universities examined thousands of men and women who filled out questionnaires about their activity levels and how often and fast they run. The database had records for more than 55 000 men and women aged 18-70 who visited the clinics for 15 years before the study was conducted. 24% of the participants were runners with variable length and speed of running. When the results were compared to the mortality rate, they showed that nearly 3500 people died from a heart attack during the same time. Most of these people didn’t run, and the risk was 30% reduced in runners. Further comparisons with smokers and overweight people only confirmed that the running group was at significantly reduced risk of a heart attack.

Only 5 minutes of running per day reduces the risk of death

Compared to non-runners, runners live 3-5 years longer on average. Most people enjoy the benefits of running no matter the length – the risk of death was reduced no matter if they ran for 10-15 minutes or 150 minutes per week. The findings are pretty motivating for people who don’t have the time to hit the gym or run longer than 10 minutes per day.
As the studies showed, running may actually be the key for improved longevity. Of course, people suffering from certain health problems should consult a doctor before starting with the training. Experts recommend adding a bit of physical activity in your daily routine to stay in shape. Besides making you feel better, running will promote weight loss as well, in that way preventing a host of ailments.

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